How are the sounds produced by each rubber band differ? Answer: There is a difference in the sound produced by each of the rubber bonds. The rubber band’s longer duration produces a low, long, heavy sound and vibrates at a slower frequency. Rubber bands with shorter lengths produce a high, short sound and vibrate at […]
Can you reset a Fitbit Surge?
How many ports are in Honduras?
How many ports are in Honduras? six seaports Where are the top 5 ports in the world located? World’s Top 5 Ports Port of Singapore. Established in 1996, the Port of Singapore has since become a global hub port and international maritime center. Port of Shanghai. The Port of Shanghai is one of China’s most […]
Can you use your license in another country?
Can you use your license in another country? It is illegal to drive without a valid license and insurance in most countries. Many countries do not recognize a U.S. driver’s license, but most accept an International Driving Permit (IDP). IDPs may not be valid the whole time you stay abroad and may only be valid […]
Do you get paid for a internship?
Do you get paid for a internship? Depending on the position, interns may or may not be paid. Unpaid internships are common, especially when the internship counts as academic credit toward graduation. There must also be a clear connection between the intern’s educational program and job responsibilities. That said, many employers do pay their interns. […]
How old is Green Day?
Who owns the West Edmonton Mall?
Who owns the West Edmonton Mall? Triple Five Group Where do the Ghermezian family live? The Ghermezian family is a Canadian business family of Iranian-Jewish origin. The Ghermezians are best known as the builders of North America’s three largest shopping malls: West Edmonton Mall, Mall of America, and American Dream….Ghermezian family. The Ghermezian family Place […]
Why is my eggplant growing so slow?
Why is my eggplant growing so slow? Why are my plants so small and growing slowly? Eggplants are sensitive to the cold. Either a transplant has been planted into cold soil, or a young plant has experienced cold weather, or a transplant that became root bound before being planted may be stunted for a short […]
Where did the minuet come from?
Where did the minuet come from? The dance steps and musical form of the Minuet had originated in France in the 1660s. Under the watchful eye of Louis XIV, France had come to dominate European, and therefore American, fashions in clothing, food, art, music and dance, and it would maintain that cultural dominance for several […]
How do you declare variable variables?
How do you declare variable variables? Declaring a variable means defining its type, and optionally, setting an initial value (initializing the variable). Variables do not have to be initialized (assigned a value) when they are declared, but it is often useful. Variables will roll over when the value stored exceeds the space assigned to store […]