Was Hiawatha male or female?

Was Hiawatha male or female? Although Hiawatha was a real man, he was mostly known for his legend. Future generations would know of him through an 1855 epic poem called The Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow. In the stories of Hiawatha, we learn that he was born in the Onondaga tribe. His mother was an […]

What is the next stage after embryo?

What is the next stage after embryo? Once cell differentiation is mostly complete, the embryo enters the next stage and becomes known as a fetus. The fetal period of prenatal develop marks more important changes in the brain. This period of development begins during the ninth week and lasts until birth. What are the 4 […]

Can you make animation with Photoshop?

Can you make animation with Photoshop? In Photoshop, you use the Timeline panel to create animation frames. Each frame represents a configuration of layers. You can also create animations using a timeline and keyframes. See Creating timeline animations. Is Photoshop on iPad the full version? That’s finally changing with Photoshop for iPad, a full — […]

What is the meaning of vergen?

What is the meaning of vergen? The most basic definition of virginity is never having had sex. While some people consider virginity to mean never having had vaginal intercourse, that definition excludes lots of people, like LGBT people, who may not consider themselves virgins after they have oral or anal sex. What does Urdu word […]

Which of the following bus is unidirectional?

Which of the following bus is unidirectional? Address bus Is the control bus unidirectional or bidirectional and why? The control bus is unidirectional because it controls the operation of the address and data busses. A control bus is a computer bus that is used by the CPU to communicate with devices that are contained within […]

How has the IMF helped the world?

How has the IMF helped the world? The IMF does serve a very useful role in the world economy. Through the use of lending, surveillance, and technical assistance, it can play a vital role in helping identify potential problems and being able to help countries to contribute to the global economy. Where does IMF get […]

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