What kind of rifle did James Arness use in Gunsmoke?

What kind of rifle did James Arness use in Gunsmoke? Colt Single Action What caliber was Matt Dillon’s rifle? Television Gun Character Note Winchester Model 1873 US Marshal Matt Dillon 24″ Barrel Rifle Colt Walker Zebulon Macahan .44 Caliber Hawken Rifle Zebulon Macahan .53 Caliber Winchester Model 1873 Zebulon Macahan .44 Caliber What gun did […]

When did the Atlas bear go extinct?

When did the Atlas bear go extinct? 19th century Did bears ever live in Africa? Are there any bears in Africa? At the moment, there are no bear species in Africa. There was a time when the brown bear roamed the Atlas mountains, where they were once native. They’d made their way from Europe, all […]

Is it good to hear gut noises in horses?

Is it good to hear gut noises in horses? Intestinal or gut sounds (borborygmi), are caused by the propulsive action of the equine intestines that contain gas, water and feed. These rumblings and gurgles are normal in healthy horses, and suggest proper function of the gastrointestinal tract (normal motility). Do horses have gut sounds when […]

How do I activate Final Draft 8?

How do I activate Final Draft 8? In the program that the .exe file has opened, press “Generate” next to the empty Customer Number field. It will spit out a Customer Number for you. Enter that into the relevant field in the Final Draft 8 window, and click “Activate,” which will open a window for […]

What fuel does GSLV use?

What fuel does GSLV use? Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) is an expendable launch system operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). GSLV was used in thirteen launches from 2001 to 2018, with more launches planned….Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle. Size Burn time 718 seconds Propellant LOX / LH2 Third stage (GSLV Mk II) – […]

What type of lenses are in glasses?

What type of lenses are in glasses? What are the different types of eyeglass lenses? Concave lenses. These are thinnest in the center. Convex lenses. These lenses are thickest in the center, like a magnifying glass. Cylindrical lenses. These curve more in one direction than in the other. Do glasses have concave or convex lenses? […]

What condition did Tom Thumb have?

What condition did Tom Thumb have? It was there, on July 15, 1883, that Charles Stratton, who had fascinated society as General Tom Thumb, died suddenly of a stroke at the age of 45. Who is no bigger than his father’s thumb? Tom Thumb What is the lesson of Tom Thumb? The moral of this […]

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