Can rose quartz have negative effects?

Can rose quartz have negative effects? While there aren’t any known side effects to using quartz crystal for healing and meditation, it’s important to remember that any claims about their healing properties are anecdotal. Still, if the symbolism and aesthetic of rose quartz crystal resonates with you, there’s likely no harm in giving it a […]

What is skin horn?

What is skin horn? A cutaneous horn, also known as cornu cutaneum, refers to a specific appearance of a skin lesion in which a cone-shaped protuberance arises on the skin caused by overgrowth of the most superficial layer of skin (epidermis). A cutaneous horn is not a particular lesion but is a reaction pattern of […]

Is Ophelia actually insane?

Is Ophelia actually insane? Ophelia in the fourth act of Hamlet is demonstrably insane, but the direct cause of her slipped sanity is something that remains debatable. Ophelia’s madness is perhaps overtaking her so much so that she does not even recognize whom she is talking to in this instance–her brother Laertes. How is Ophelia’s […]

Are termites Commensalism?

Are termites Commensalism? Termites thrive on a diet of wood thanks to a remarkable biological coexistence involving two other organisms. A symbiotic protist that lives in the guts of these wood-eating insects breaks down cellulose found in plant cell walls. And inside each protist lives beneficial bacteria that assist the metabolic process. Are termites mutualism? […]

Why are some headstones at Arlington different?

Why are some headstones at Arlington different? Earlier graves in Section 27 have a different style than the military headstones seen elsewhere in the cemetery. These Citizen and Civilian headstones mark the burial sites of poor freed men, women and children who were interred in Arlington National Cemetery at the government’s expense after the Civil […]

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