What is the Latin word for entertainment?

What is the Latin word for entertainment? English Latin (translated indirectly) Esperanto entertain verb (amuse) oblectare verb amuzi unknown part of speech What is digital in Latin? digital (adj.) mid-15c., “pertaining to numbers below ten;” 1650s, “pertaining to fingers,” from Latin digitalis, from digitus “finger or toe” (see digit). Meaning “using numerical digits” is from […]

What does the stole symbolize in Holy Orders?

What does the stole symbolize in Holy Orders? the stole is the primary symbol of the ordained priesthood the priest gives sacramental Absolution the stole signify the priests authority and to absolve sins. The raised hand is done by the priest in the Prayer of Absolution in removing the persons sins. What is a religious […]

What is the starting pay at FedEx?

What is the starting pay at FedEx? Average FedEx hourly pay ranges from approximately $15.77 per hour for Cargo Handler to $23.51 per hour for Senior Broker. The average FedEx salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Cargo Handler to $58,803 per year for Sales Executive. How much do FedEx package handlers make per […]

Does Puerto Rico have immigration laws?

Does Puerto Rico have immigration laws? Puerto Rico has been a possession of the U.S. for more than a century, but it has never been a state. As citizens, the people of Puerto Rico can move throughout the 50 states just as any other Americans can—legally, this is considered internal migration, not immigration. Do Puerto […]

What are examples of tone?

What are examples of tone? The tone in a story indicates a particular feeling. It can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, and optimistic. Your tone in writing will be reflective of your mood as you are writing. What are the 3 types of tones? Today we went over the 3 types […]

How do you do mermaid plaits?

How do you do mermaid plaits? How can you do a fishtail plait? First, divide hair into two sections. Take a thin strand from the outside of the left side. Cross this piece into the centre of the two sections. Then take section from the outside of the right side and then cross it over […]

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