Is pregnancy test positive in hydatidiform mole? Thus, in addition to a complete physical and pelvic examination, complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry and pelvic ultrasound, a hallmark of diagnosing hydatidiform mole is a positive β-hCG assay pregnancy test. Is H mole considered pregnancy? A molar pregnancy — also known as hydatidiform mole — is […]
What are feral cats called?
What are feral cats called? Ferals, as well as strays, are increasingly referred to as “community cats” or “free-roaming cats.” While they live outside human homes and exhibit wild behavior, feral cats are not wildlife. Who owns a cat legally? Cats are regarded in law as the ‘property’ of their owner. The theft of a […]
Where did the word hinky come from?
Where did the word hinky come from? The origin of hinky is obscure, some believe that hinky evolved from the Black English slang word hincty which was popular in the 1920s. Hincty describes someone who is snobbish, putting on airs. Others believe hinky comes from gangster lingo of the 1920s and 1930s to describe jumpy […]
What material is best for tooth filling?
What material is best for tooth filling? Composite fillings are the most widely used dental filling material. They’re made of glass or quartz in resin. Your dentist may choose a composite filling if the size of your cavity is small to medium, or if your tooth gets a lot of chewing action. What is dental […]
When did Honda ATV get power steering?
When did Honda ATV get power steering? 2007 What is a 2009 Honda Rancher worth? Values Suggested List Price Average Retail Base Price $5,799 $3,385 Options (Add) Total Price $5,799 $3,385 What is the best Honda four wheeler? Rancher 4×4 TRX 420 FM – (5.0) – Basic simplicity and legendary reliability have made this Rancher […]
Which method of electricity generation is the most efficient?
Which method of electricity generation is the most efficient? Solar energy How efficient is fossil fuel power plant? Typical thermal efficiency for utility-scale electrical generators is around 37% for coal and oil-fired plants, and 56 – 60% (LEV) for combined-cycle gas-fired plants. The efficiency of a fossil fuel plant may be expressed as its heat […]
What is the torque spec for a lug nut?
Do centipedes go through incomplete metamorphosis?
Do centipedes go through incomplete metamorphosis? Centipedes undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, with three life stages. In most centipede species, females lay their eggs in soil or other damp organic matter. The nymphs hatch and go through a progressive series of molts until they reach adulthood. Do centipedes go through metamorphosis? Centipedes do not undergo a […]
What is a safe level of phosphate in drinking water?
What is a safe level of phosphate in drinking water? In 1986, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the following recommended criteria for phosphorus: No more than 0.1 mg/L for streams that do not empty into reservoirs; no more than 0.05 mg/L for streams discharging into reservoirs; and no more than 0.024 mg/L for reservoirs. […]
Can you join the military at 14?
Can you join the military at 14? You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien. You must be at least 17 years old (17-year-old applicants require parental consent). You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. You must pass a physical medical exam. Can you join the army at 13? In […]