How do size and color of a star relate to each other? A star’s color indicates it’s temperature, composition and relative distance from earth. Its luminosity indicates its size, the brighter it is, the larger it is. There are many colored stars in the sky and, with a little planning, you can see a rainbow […]
Can raw honey expire?
Can raw honey expire? Honey does not go bad. Most honey will crystallize over time, meaning you can’t see through it anymore, and it becomes less liquid and more solid. It means the honey you bought is raw and of the finest quality. Processed honey takes forever to crystallize, because the pollen – and flavor […]
Can one non profit donate to another?
Can one non profit donate to another? Can One Non-Profit Donate Money To Another? No conflict of interest. No violation of donor restrictions. No misuse of the donated charitable resources by the receiving non-profit. No question that donating funds in any way will imperil the donor non-profit’s own financial health. What can a non profit […]
Why does gelatin become liquid when heated?
Why does gelatin become liquid when heated? At room temperature, it is a solid. Heat it up to body temperature, and it becomes a liquid. When you heat the gelatin up, these bonds between the chains loosen, turning the chemical into a liquid as they slide away from each other. Is gelatin a liquid or […]
How long does a SIM have to live after pleading?
How long does a SIM have to live after pleading? Sims who are fine or happy can normally plead for the Sim’s life when the Grim Reaper appears. If successful, this plea will give the pleading Sim the “Saved Sim from Death” happy moodlet, which lasts for 6 hours. Sims who are confident can demand […]
Where do you put the paper when printing to fax?
What would happen if the rabbit population increased?
What would happen if the rabbit population increased? There would be more food for the rabbits and slugs, so their populations would increase. However, there would be less food for the frogs and voles, so their populations would decrease. What happened to the population of bunnies and why? Rabbits were introduced to Australia in the […]
What are the issues in Serbia?
What are the issues in Serbia? Serbia Migrants, including Asylum Seekers, and Long-Term Displaced Persons. Freedom of Media. Accountability for War Crimes. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Disability Rights. Key International Actors. Accountability for War Crimes. Accountability of International Institutions. What environmental challenges do humans face? Our Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of […]
Why does my Internet say unsecured?
Why does my Internet say unsecured? Most of the public Wi-Fi networks normally use the ‘WEP’ open authentication that is unsecure. This type of encryption has many security flaws that can cause your personal information, like your network traffic, to be seen. Your home network can also be flagged as unsecured if the encryption type […]
Where is the keyless entry code on a 2010 Ford Explorer?
Where is the keyless entry code on a 2010 Ford Explorer? On Ford Explorers and Mercury Mountaineers from 2006 until the model year 2010, the default five-digit keypad code is printed on the smart junction box (SJB) under the driver’s side of the dash. Step 1: Look at your under dash. Open the driver’s door […]