How did the greasers dress in the outsiders?

How did the greasers dress in the outsiders? Greasers wear blue jeans and T-shirts, leather jackets, and sneakers or boots. They have long, greased hair and leave their shirttails untucked. Socs wear clothes such as ski jackets, tan-colored jackets, wine-colored sweaters, and striped, checkered, or madras shirts. How should a greaser dress? Get a Dickies […]

Who invented the vase?

Who invented the vase? The ancient Egyptians are thought to be the earliest civilisation to have used vases for decorative purposes. Indeed, it was in ancient Egypt that we have the first evidence of vases being used to store flowers, as we do today. These vases were, however, quite basic in shape and design. What […]

What technique did Egyptian artists use?

What technique did Egyptian artists use? The art was created using mediums ranging from papyrus drawing to the pictographs and include funerary sculpture carved in relief and in the round from sandstones, quartzites, diorite, and granite. The technique was tempera on plaster which is called ‘fresco secco’ (dry fresco). What were the construction techniques used […]

What is the role of communications?

What is the role of communications? The communication brings people together, closer to each other. The communication is an important management function closely associated with all other managerial functions. It bridges the gap between individuals and groups through flow of information and understanding between them. What are the roles of communication in the society? Communication […]

Which topic is best for speech?

Which topic is best for speech? It’s not easy picking a topic for your speech as there are many options so consider the following factors when deciding. Health. Law and politics. Media. Religion. Science and the environment. Sports. Technology. World peace. What is the safest country in the world? What are some good speech topics […]

How do I correctly punctuate this sentence?

How do I correctly punctuate this sentence? How to punctuate Separate danglers with a comma. If you can, use a period instead of a comma. In a list, use a comma before the final “and” Use a comma before introducing a question. Don’t use a comma to represent vocal pauses. Don’t use ellipses. Avoid semicolons. […]

What is the difference between symmetry and asymmetry?

What is the difference between symmetry and asymmetry? We find perfect symmetry when two mirrored sides are exactly the same. Conversely, asymmetry is the absence of symmetry of any kind. Whenever we make a design that consists of elements that we’ve distributed unevenly around a central point or axis, we’ll consequently have an asymmetrical design. […]

What is Hans Holbein most famous painting?

What is Hans Holbein most famous painting? Holbein also portrayed various courtiers, landowners, and visitors during this time, and his most famous painting of the period was The Ambassadors. This life-sized panel portrays Jean de Dinteville, an ambassador of Francis I of France in 1533, and Georges de Selve, Bishop of Lavaur who visited London […]

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