Where is the largest geode in the world? A researcher stands inside the Pulpí geode, the largest documented geode in the world, located at a depth of about 150 feet (50 meters) in a former silver mine in southeast Spain. Image via Hector Garrido. The Pulpí geode – discovered in 1999 – is often said […]
Why is it called a cabbage tree?
Why is it called a cabbage tree? British navigator James Cook bestowed the name ‘cabbage tree’ on the giant New Zealand tree lily Cordyline australis, which Māori called tī kōuka. Cook called it a cabbage tree because the young leaves are edible, and his name has stuck. Is cabbage tree a flax? These cabbage trees […]
What are wet prairies?
What are wet prairies? Wet prairie is a rather variable tall grassland community that shares characteristics of wet-mesic prairie, southern sedge meadow, calcareous fen and even emergent marsh communities. The wet prairies’ more wetland-like character can mean that relatively few upland prairie species are present. What kinds of plants are in the Everglades? Various types […]
What farm animals eat?
What farm animals eat? It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and sprouted grains and legumes. Feed grains are the most important source of animal feed globally. The amount of grain used to produce the same unit of meat varies substantially. Do any farm animals eat meat? However, most […]
How do I write a garage sale ad?
How do I write a garage sale ad? How to Write a Great Garage Sale Ad Your Headline is Your Hook. The headline you write for your yard sale creates the first impression potential shoppers have of your sale. Start With Where. What You Are Selling. Online Headline Tips. Newspaper Headline Tips. Say Exactly Where […]
What caused Iranian revolution?
What caused Iranian revolution? Its causes continue to be the subject of historical debate and are believed to have stemmed partly from a conservative backlash opposing the westernization, modernization and secularization efforts of the Western-backed Shah, as well as from a more popular reaction to social injustice and other shortcomings of the … When did […]
Is the epic of Gilgamesh Sumerian or Babylonian?
Is the epic of Gilgamesh Sumerian or Babylonian? Gilgamesh is the semi-mythic King of Uruk in Mesopotamia best known from The Epic of Gilgamesh (written c. 2150 – 1400 BCE) the great Sumerian/Babylonian poetic work which pre-dates Homer’s writing by 1500 years and, therefore, stands as the oldest piece of epic world literature. What does […]
Which martial art teaches flips?
Which martial art teaches flips? As an example of history dictating acrobatic techniques, TaeKwonDo incorporates high flying jumping, spinning, and flipping kicks at least into their demonstration side of the art for an interesting reason. There is a foundational aspect of their history that informs the use of these techniques today. Are there flips in […]
Where is Willie McGee now?
Where is Willie McGee now? A four-time All-Star, McGee accumulated 2,254 hits during his career. He is now a coach for the St. Louis Cardinals. Is Willie McGee in the Baseball Hall of Fame? Not in Hall of Fame – 29. Willie McGee. Why did Willie McGee leave the Cardinals? McGee, 61, decided to opt […]