Where is north of Finland?

Where is north of Finland? Land. Finland is bordered to the north by Norway, to the east by Russia, to the south by the Gulf of Finland, to the southwest by the Gulf of Bothnia, and to the northwest by Sweden. Where is Lapland Finland or Norway? “Lapland” is situated in Scandinavia and often referred […]

What is the frequency of a fly?

What is the frequency of a fly? Insects like Mosquitoes, Flies responds to 38-44 kHz. What frequency can kill humans? The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain: 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. Why do flies zig zag? To escape from predators, flies […]

What are the roles of local government?

What are the roles of local government? What is the Role of Local Government? Planning and zoning bylaws. Taxation. Local business support. Collaborating between communities and in the larger region. Accessing and using programs offered by provincial and federal governments. Advocating for community economic development priorities with governments and industry. What is the role of […]

What are the three types of occupation?

What are the three types of occupation? Answer: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. What are some examples of occupation? 118 Examples of an Occupation Accountant Actor Laborer Lawyer Librarian Maintenance Worker Manager Manufacturing Worker Marketing Professional Mathematician How do you classify occupation? The ISCO-08 divides jobs into 10 major groups: Managers. Professional. Technicians and associate […]

What is the volume of a jug?

What is the volume of a jug? The answer is: The change of 1 jug ( beer jug ) unit for a volume and capacity measure equals = into 1.14 l ( liter ) as per its equivalent volume and capacity unit type measure often used. How would you measure the liquid in a container? […]

What is the head of the family called?

What is the head of the family called? matriarch Add to list Share. In any case, patriarch has come to mean the male head of a family or clan, while matriarch is used if the head of a family or clan is female. What’s another word for matriarch? synonyms for matriarch matron. dame. dowager. mother. […]

What is trackball and Spaceball?

What is trackball and Spaceball? A trackball is an upside-down mouse that gets placed within a socket and keeps on rotating at the same point. A spaceball gets termed as a graphical input device that gets fixed on a spherical ball. A trackball is accurate for 2D models and helps to move the cursor at […]

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