What makes a fiction story good? In fiction, the writer’s job is to entertain, to draw an emotional response from the reader. The reader is often looking for suspense, action, and to go on a journey they have not been on before, one they will not easily forget. Action: A good fiction book needs to […]
Is hiring a property management company worth it?
Is hiring a property management company worth it? Deciding to hire a property manager often comes down to a simple equation of time and money. If the cost of a property manager is less than the opportunity cost of managing properties yourself, it’s probably a good investment. It’s an equation every investor will have to […]
Can I wear my Apple Watch in an MRI machine?
What role did Denzel Washington won an Oscar for?
What role did Denzel Washington won an Oscar for? Training Day For which movie did Denzel Washington win his first Oscar? Glory’ (1989) Which two movies have won 11 Oscars awards? Three films have won 11 Academy Awards: Ben-Hur (1959) – 15 categories available for nomination; nominated for 12. Titanic (1997) – 17 categories available […]
Can a TCM be tested?
What does it mean when cats moan?
What does it mean when cats moan? Unlike the reasonably happy, searching sound of a meow, the yowl is a longer, more drawn-out moan that denotes, worry, discomfort, territorial concern or mating issues. Why do cats moan loudly? The most common cause of excessive vocalization is attention-seeking, a learned behavior. Many cats learn to meow […]
What key is Iron Man in?
Can frozen insects come back to life?
Can frozen insects come back to life? If a fly has been completely frozen, it is probably dead. While all insects will die below a certain temperature, freeze-tolerant insects can survive below 0°C and would live a full life after being frozen and thawed. The creatures that freeze or enter diapause and then spring back […]
What are three examples of oligarchy?
What are three examples of oligarchy? A few examples of modern oligarchies are Russia, China, Iran, and perhaps the United States. What country is a oligarchy? One of the most well-known oligarchies is Russia. An oligarchy has ruled Russia since the 1400s. Those who are wealthy in Russia have to maintain contacts within the government […]
Did the first guy to run a marathon died?
Did the first guy to run a marathon died? Pheidippides is said to have run from Marathon to Athens to deliver news of the victory of the battle of Marathon…. Pheidippides Statue of Pheidippides alongside the Marathon Road. Born c. 530 BC Athens Died c. 490 BC Athens What was the origin of marathons? In […]