How can we save Dal Lake?

How can we save Dal Lake? Top most priority is given to stop sewerage flow into the lake besides relocation of lake dwellers. “The problem of pollution is taken head on by reducing it to the minimum possible level. We have installed three sewerage treatment plants at Lam, Hazratbal and Habak. Why is Dal Lake […]

How does Karl Marx explain the inequality between rich and poor?

How does Karl Marx explain the inequality between rich and poor? Marxists theorize that inequality and poverty are functional components of the capitalist mode of production: capitalism necessarily produces inegalitarian social structures. Inequality is transferred from one generation to another through the environment of services and opportunities which surrounds each individual. How does Karl Marx […]

What does it mean when your neck tingles?

What does it mean when your neck tingles? Overview. Numbness in your neck might feel like your neck is tingling or like it’s “asleep.” It’s usually caused by an issue with the spinal cord or other nerves. In some cases, it may be caused by conditions like migraines or multiple sclerosis. Why does the side […]

Why is my dog dry heaving but not throwing up?

Why is my dog dry heaving but not throwing up? Non-productive retching, or dry heaving, in any breed dog is always considered an emergency due to the concern for a process called gastric dilation and volvulus (frequently referred to as GDV, or gas bloat). Why does my dog keep acting like he is going to […]

How do you attach iron head to shaft?

How do you attach iron head to shaft? Apply epoxy to the tip of the shaft and the inside of the hosel of the club head, and insert the shaft into it. Make sure all surfaces of both are covered. To seat the shaft, rotate it inside the hosel, then tap the butt end of […]

Did JRR Tolkien win any prizes?

Did JRR Tolkien win any prizes? JRR Tolkien was passed over for the 1961 Nobel literature prize after the storytelling in his Lord of the Rings trilogy was described as second rate. The Nobel prize jury said “the result has not in any way measured up to storytelling of the highest quality”. Did Tolkien win […]

Was Herbert Hoover a conservative?

Was Herbert Hoover a conservative? Hoover won the Republican nomination in the 1928 presidential election, and decisively defeated the Democratic candidate, Al Smith. Hoover became increasingly conservative in this time, and he strongly criticized Roosevelt’s foreign policy and New Deal domestic agenda. Was Herbert Hoover a pro business? Hoover favored policies in which government, business, […]

Is Chris Afton real?

Is Chris Afton real? Chris is a name given to TCC from the Fandom, his real name is unknown, we will have to see if it gets confirmed later in the series or the books. Is purple guy real? THIS BLOG IS MEANT FOR INFORMATIVE AND IS DONE AS A WAY TO SHOW HOW MUCH […]

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