The library might be open 24 hours a day but that doesn’t mean you’d want to spend all your time there. But what else can you do in 24 hours around Coventry and Warwickshire? The University of Warwick is nestled on the boundary between the counties of Warwickshire and the West Midlands. These are counties […]
What’s in a phrase? With these 5, just possibly better grades…
Stephen has found 5 more quotes that all apply to academic writing. Find out which ones apply to you…By Stephen Soanes Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler (attrib. Albert Einstein, c.1933) E=mc² Einstein’s equation for mass-energy equivalence was as simply formulated as possible, yet the physics behind the idea has complex […]
Feeling like a Masters monster? The Library can help.
As a Masters student you can feel a bit like a twenty-first century Frankenstein’s monster. Still suffering from the sheer knowledge of how much debt you’re in and how much debt you’re going further into, in the limbo land of old and young, questioning “can I go to the Undergrad events even when I’m 21?”…by […]
Our experienced writers share their revision wisdom
In the words of Jimi Hendix: Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. So here are some top exam tips from our extremely wise, incredibly experienced and downright gorgeous writers: Could you explain the subject to a monkey? Ondrej Bajgar If you truly understand a subject, you should be able to clearly explain it […]
BREAK-ing news: you need 5 minute rests to recharge for effective study
You might think you’ve got too much to write, read or revise to take a break, but you’ve never been more wrong, and we’re ready to help…By Karina Beck. Break for an activity Bake a cake, ride a bike, draw a picture of yourself in a spaceship. Research proves that switching tasks will keep you focused. Psychologists […]
Student X: The top 5 activities your fellow students are doing to get ahead
Today I want to talk about a distinctly ‘Warwick’ phenomenon, something that I really struggled to get over in first year and still have to deal with even today. It’s something that can be easily illustrated by looking at a Facebook conversation I would typically have with ‘Student X’ on Sunday nights in first year:… …. by […]
5 surprising services to make your long-distance Library relationship thrive
On those occasions when you’re not at Warwick, take advantage of what the Library has to offer and watch your long distance relationship blossom (no sexting or late night selfies required)…by Francesca Green Maintaining a long distance relationship can be difficult and studying at a distance is no different. You have to contend with the […]
Is a volunteer firefighter a real firefighter?
Is a volunteer firefighter a real firefighter? Are Volunteer Firefighters Real Firefighters? Yes. They are just as much real firefighters as any career firefighters. A volunteer firefighter may face some additional challenges while they carry out their job but they are certainly a real firefighter. What is the point of a volunteer firefighter? Volunteer first […]
How does bump day work?
Did Rangers FC died in 2012?
Did Rangers FC died in 2012? Here we look back at the summer of 2012, the events that led up to that being a landmark period for Scottish football and the blow by blow incidents that ultimately led to the liquidation of Rangers FC. Who put Rangers into liquidation? Rangers went into administration on Valentine’s […]