How many main stars does Gemini have? Gemini contains 10 named stars. The star names approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are Alhena, Alzirr, Castor, Jishui, Mebsuta, Mekbuda, Pollux, Propus, Tejat, and Wasat. What are the major stars in the Gemini constellation? The two brightest stars in the constellation, also named after Greek mythology’s […]
What are two safety devices used in circuits?
What are two safety devices used in circuits? Fuses, circuit breakers and ground fault circuit interrupts are the electrical safety devices. Both fuses and circuit breakers are the connection point between the electrical grid and on an individual. What are the different safety devices? What types of safety equipment are there? Height Safety Equipment. Safety […]
What are technical safeguards under Hipaa?
What are technical safeguards under Hipaa? What are Technical Safeguards? The Security Rule defines technical safeguards in § 164.304 as “the technology and the policy and procedures for its use that protect electronic protected health information and control access to it.” Therefore, no specific requirements for types of technology to implement are identified. What are […]
What do tube worms eat?
What do tube worms eat? They live among or even under clumps of mussels. They eat crabs, clams, and mussels. Tubeworms live around hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Ocean Ridge in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Are tube worms producers or consumers? Although earthworms are like other consumers in that they are unable to produce their own […]
How does foreclosure work in Maryland?
How does foreclosure work in Maryland? When the lender schedules the foreclosure sale, they must provide notice to homeowner. The Homeowner has the right to cure the default by paying all past due payments, penalties, and fees and reinstate the loan at any time up to 1 business day before the foreclosure sale occurs. How […]
What does George do in Harrison Bergeron?
What does George do in Harrison Bergeron? George is an everyman, a character most readers will understand and relate to. Smart and sensitive, George has been crippled by the government’s handicapping program. He makes intelligent remarks and thinks analytically about society, but his mind is stunted. What archetype is George in Harrison Bergeron? In Kurt […]
What type of mollusk is a conch?
What type of mollusk is a conch? A conch is a sea snail in the phylum Mollusca. What family is a conch in? family Strombidae What is Conch considered? A conch (pronounced in the U.S.A. as “konk” or “conch” is one of a number of different species of medium-sized to large saltwater snails or their […]
How do you make Einstein in little alchemy?
Are eggplant leaves edible?
Are eggplant leaves edible? According to the United States Department of Agriculture, eggplant leaves are toxic and narcotic, like many members of the nightshade family, so they are inedible . The alkaline known as solanine is the toxic part of the eggplant leaves and flowers. Are eggplant leaves poisonous to dogs? This compound is toxic […]
Is citric acid bad for kidneys?
Is citric acid bad for kidneys? Citric acid is an organic acid and a natural component of many fruits and fruit juices. It is not a vitamin or mineral and is not required in the diet. However, citric acid, not to be confused with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is beneficial for people with kidney stones. […]