Did France ban the burqa?

Did France ban the burqa? The ban also applies to the burqa, a full-body covering, if it covers the face. In April 2011, France became the first European country to impose a ban on full-face veils in public areas. Is hijab banned in Quebec? It is the first Quebec law stating that “The State of […]

What type of teeth do horses have?

What type of teeth do horses have? Incisors: Horses have 6 upper and 6 lower incisor teeth. These are simple in structure, deep-rooted and used to grasp and tear herbage. What are horse teeth made of? The equine tooth—like that of other animal and human species—is comprised of four layers: pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum. […]

Are there any windmills in Louisiana?

Are there any windmills in Louisiana? When fully implemented the 150 MW Louisiana Wind Farm will have approximately 55 turbines installed; over 5,000 acres and provide enough electricity equivalent to power more than 60,000 average Louisiana households. The estimate is based on approximately 55 wind turbine generators of up to 2.5MW capacity each. How many […]

Is the ATF part of the FBI?

Is the ATF part of the FBI? The FBI is a primary law enforcement agency for the U.S. government, charged with enforcement of more than 200 categories of federal laws. The DEA is a single-mission agency charged with enforcing drug laws. The ATF primarily enforces federal firearms statutes and investigates arsons and bombings. What does […]

How can we control drought?

How can we control drought? Being mindful of the amount of water you use each day can be a powerful way to prevent droughts. Turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, watering your garden early in the morning so less water evaporates, and installing low-flow plumbing fixtures all are good ways to prevent […]

Why do Muslims attend mosque on Friday?

Why do Muslims attend mosque on Friday? A Muslim prayer offered to God weekly at the noon hour of the morning. Fridays are considered a celebration in their own right and Muslims take special care in wearing clean clothes, bathing, and preparing special meals on this day. … Is Jummah prayer fard for men? Friday […]

What happens in the days of Hajj?

What happens in the days of Hajj? During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of millions of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals: each person walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Kaaba (a cube-shaped building and the direction of prayer for Muslims), trots (walks briskly) […]

Is child support enforced internationally?

Is child support enforced internationally? Generally, the obligation to pay child support continues even if the paying parent moves overseas. Child Support is owed as a debt to the Commonwealth rather than to the receiving parent. Whether this obligation can be effectively enforced, depends on which country the parent has moved to. Which countries enforce […]

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