Who gets the most value from cocoa?

Who gets the most value from cocoa? The key nations in cocoa’s global supply chain These regions host the biggest cocoa exporters by value. The biggest cocoa exporters by value. Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are responsible for 70% of global cocoa production, and cocoa exports play a huge role in their economies. What are the […]

What type of bug has 8 legs?

What type of bug has 8 legs? arachnids What animals that have 8 legs? Originally Answered: What are some examples of animals with eight legs? Arthropods include such animals as insects, spiders, ticks, centipedes,millipedes, crayfish, lobsters, mites, and scorpions. One class of arthropodsis the arachnids which include spiders, scorpions, and mites. What has more than […]

Who is the best jockey in the UK?

Who is the best jockey in the UK? Jockeys’ Championship Ranking:1. Jockey: Oisin Murphy. Wins:57. Ranking:2. Jockey: Tom Marquand. Wins:54. Ranking:3. Jockey: William Buick. Wins:52. Ranking:4. Jockey: Hollie Doyle. Wins:39. Ranking:5. Jockey: Ben Curtis. Wins:38. Ranking:6. Jockey: James Doyle. Wins:38. Ranking:7. Jockey: Daniel Tudhope. Ranking:8. Jockey: David Probert. Who is leading jump jockey 2021? Harry […]

What is BMS stands for?

What is BMS stands for? BMS Acronym Definition BMS Basic Management System BMS Business Music System BMS Business Management System BMS Barrington Middle School (Barrington, RI) What does BHS mean on Snapchat? “Be Home Soon” is the most common definition for BHS on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. BHS. What does PHS mean? […]

What is the function of water trough?

What is the function of water trough? A watering trough (or artificial watering point) is a man-made or natural receptacle intended to provide drinking water to animals, livestock on farms or ranches or wild animals. How many hours can a horse go without water? “A horse can live for almost a month without food, but […]

How much wood can a chop chop?

How much wood can a chop chop? Here’s my answer from April 2017: According to the Poetry Foundation, a woodchuck would chuck “As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood.” (bit.ly/woodchuck-poem) Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds: (bit.ly/cornell-woodchucks). How much wood could a […]

What happens if I eat cement?

What happens if I eat cement? The Lime in cement is a caustic alkaline substance and more than likely would cause burns to the esophagus. Once hydrated (water added) cement will solidify and produce heat. If any amount were able to be swallowed it could solidify and form a plug in the stomach or intestines. […]

How do you prevent a nodular goiter?

How do you prevent a nodular goiter? Lifestyle and home remedies Get enough iodine. To ensure that you get enough iodine, use iodized salt or eat seafood or seaweed — sushi is a good source of seaweed — about twice a week. Avoid excess iodine consumption. Although it’s uncommon, getting too much iodine sometimes leads […]

Which way does the paper go when faxing?

Which way does the paper go when faxing? When you insert the document you want to fax with the printed side toward the machine, the document’s text and graphics are face down against the tray. The fax machine then pulls the document down the tray and scans the document’s content. Do you scan documents face […]

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