Why did the US attack Iraq in March 2002?

Why did the US attack Iraq in March 2002? According to U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition aimed “to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people.” Who opposed the USA and its allies attack on […]

How do you prevent a nodular goiter?

How do you prevent a nodular goiter? Lifestyle and home remedies Get enough iodine. To ensure that you get enough iodine, use iodized salt or eat seafood or seaweed — sushi is a good source of seaweed — about twice a week. Avoid excess iodine consumption. Although it’s uncommon, getting too much iodine sometimes leads […]

Which way does the paper go when faxing?

Which way does the paper go when faxing? When you insert the document you want to fax with the printed side toward the machine, the document’s text and graphics are face down against the tray. The fax machine then pulls the document down the tray and scans the document’s content. Do you scan documents face […]

Where are my smart friends riddle?

Where are my smart friends riddle? Answer: The answer to “Where Are My Smart Friends Riddle” is “8 dollars.” The answer to this riddle is 8 dollars and if we calculate according to the riddle. The riddle ask about the money you have, so before your parents and relatives gave you additional money you had […]

Do Chinese water dragons need heat at night?

Do Chinese water dragons need heat at night? Heat & light Like all reptiles, Chinese water dragons are ectothermus and must have a warm habitat in order to maintain their body temperature. They also need moist, humid air. At night, turn the basking light off and use a ceramic heater or night heat lamp to […]

What is the main bearing torque?

What is the main bearing torque? On the 3.0L engine, the main bearing cap bolts should be torqued in proper sequence to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm), then an additional 90 degrees and another 45 degrees after that. Also on the 3.0L engine, the connecting rod cap nuts should be torqued in proper sequence to […]

What was it like going through Ellis Island?

What was it like going through Ellis Island? They dress up, pack up a few belongings, receive little tickets and passports, and experience in a small way the history of many of their ancestors. If the immigrant’s papers were in order and they were in reasonably good health, the Ellis Island inspection process would last […]

How is ozone controlled?

How is ozone controlled? Ozone Control Strategies Vapor recovery nozzles at the gasoline pumps to reduce refueling emissions; Cleaner burning gasoline reformulated to reduce VOC, NOx and other pollutants; Strict NOx emission limits for power plants and industrial combustion sources; Enhanced vehicle inspection programs in states; and. How can we reduce ozone emissions? On Days […]

Is it good to fall in love with your cousin?

Is it good to fall in love with your cousin? “It is not unusual, especially for elderly couples, to feel comfortable with and be attracted to their cousins. To say they shouldn’t marry if they fall in love is unfair.” But as cousincouples.com points out, unlike with other relationships, if things don’t work out, you’ll […]

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