How do you make La plural in Italian? The plural of la mano (meaning hand) is le mani. All nouns ending in –ca and –ga add an h before the plural ending….3 Nouns with irregular plurals. il dito the finger le lenzuola the sheets How do you make Tavolo plural? Tavolo (plural: tavoli) is the […]
When did iPod nano 2nd generation come out?
When did iPod nano 2nd generation come out? Septe How do I charge my iPod nano 2nd generation? You can charge the iPod nano battery by connecting iPod nano to your computer, or by using the Apple USB Adapter (available separately). Charge the battery using your computer: m Connect iPod nano to a high-power USB […]
How do I set up an eBay account without PayPal?
How do I set up an eBay account without PayPal? You need to sign up at After the eBay buyer checks out, his payment is sent immediately to your ProPay account. Neither of these PayPal alternatives requires the buyer to sign up for anything, and both provide eBay’s seller protection. Why can’t I use […]
Should you call or email a potential employer?
Should you call or email a potential employer? So whether you opt to call the hiring manager, draft an email, or send a LinkedIn message, try to keep your contact as brief as possible. “It’s important to keep your correspondence short, as hiring managers and recruiters are likely receiving emails and notes from dozens of […]
What can I spray on squeaky belt?
What can I spray on squeaky belt? Belt dressing, or belt conditioner, is a spray for the rubber belts that are used in cars, trucks, lawn mowers, and tractors. Spraying belt dressing on a belt softens the rubber and keeps it from drying out and slipping. What causes engine belts to squeal? Your engine belts […]
Who was Florence Nightingale and what was her contribution to science?
Who was Florence Nightingale and what was her contribution to science? Founder of Modern Nursing and Hospital Epidemiology Florence Nightingale is revered as the founder of modern nursing. Her substantial contributions to health statistics are less well known. She first gained fame by leading a team of 38 nurses to staff an overseas hospital of […]
Is Hong Kong a US territory?
Is Hong Kong a US territory? There are some 1,300 U.S. firms, including 726 regional operations, and about 85,000 American citizens living in Hong Kong. Hong Kong enjoyed a high degree of autonomy as a separate customs territory, with no changes to borders, staffing, or technology export controls since the 1997 handover. What country is […]
What is the halfway point between Dallas and Chicago?
What is the halfway point between Dallas and Chicago? The halfway point between Dallas, Texas and Chicago, Illinois is: Osceola, AR. Find a place to meet halfway. These two locations are 968 miles apart and the exact midpoint is I-55, Osceola, AR 72370, USA. How far is Minneapolis MN from Chicago IL? 409 miles What […]
Is it OK to drink water from the kitchen sink?
Is it OK to drink water from the kitchen sink? Although it’s true that the water in some cities contains trace amounts of pollutants, most healthy adults can still safely drink from the tap in most areas—and, in fact, tap water remains the most cost-effective, convenient way to stay hydrated. … Is it bad to […]
What is an automatic fire sprinkler system?
What is an automatic fire sprinkler system? An Automatic Fire Sprinkler System is a network of water-filled pipes which starts at your domestic water service line and ends with strategically spaced fire sprink- ler heads located throughout your home. A sprinkler system activates based upon the amount of heat produced by a fire, not the […]