What does Qapla in Klingon mean?

What does Qapla in Klingon mean? (Success!) How do you speak in Klingon? The “tlh” is treated as a single letter in Klingon. Begin with a “t” sound, but drop your tongue to the sides of your mouth rather than immediately down. From there, hiss out the “l” sound. Lowercase “y” is pronounced like the […]

What is Susan in Polish?

What is Susan in Polish? Zuzana in Czech and Slovak. Zuzanna in Polish. What is the Spanish name for Susan? Susana Is the name Susan making a comeback? Popular names from that decade set to make a comeback include Brian, Barry and Patricia. Other names to look out for include Cliff, Christine and Susan. Popular […]

Can you highlight hair with hair color?

Can you highlight hair with hair color? And because I know you’re thinking it: No, you can’t use regular hair dye for highlights. Unless you’re working with virgin, undyed hair (in which case, you should definitely stop reading this and book a future appointment instead!), the only way to highlight your color at home is […]

Can unmarried couples be on the same health insurance?

Can unmarried couples be on the same health insurance? Differences between marriage and domestic partnerships “As a result, the health insurance benefits may be extended to the unmarried partner and their children. Couples of the same and opposite sex are able to share insurance under a domestic partner insurance coverage just as a married couple […]

What are the side effects of over exercise?

What are the side effects of over exercise? Here are some symptoms of too much exercise: Being unable to perform at the same level. Needing longer periods of rest. Feeling tired. Being depressed. Having mood swings or irritability. Having trouble sleeping. Feeling sore muscles or heavy limbs. Getting overuse injuries. Can too much exercise cause […]

What did female colonists wear?

What did female colonists wear? The everyday dress of women was a short gown of durable material, with a full skirt over a homespun petticoat, covered by a long apron of white linen. What is a colonial girl? Most colonial women were homemakers who cooked meals, made clothing, and doctored their family as well as […]

What types of music can you play on guitar?

What types of music can you play on guitar? Notes: Even a single model of a guitar can be readily used to play in various genres of music like Jazz, Soul, Blues, Funk, Rock, Metal, and Country. When it comes to versatility, the electric guitar is considered more versatile than the classical and acoustic guitar. […]

Who gave Perseus the invisible helmet?

Who gave Perseus the invisible helmet? Hades What is the name of Athena’s helmet? aegis Who forged Zeus Thunderbolts? the Cyclopes Who made Pandora’s box? Even though Epimetheus’ brother, Prometheus, had warned him of Zeus’ trickery and told him not to accept gifts from the gods, Epimetheus was too taken with her beauty and wanted […]

Who invented the word Internet?

Who invented the word Internet? In 1974, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn used the term internet as a shorthand for internetwork in RFC 675, and later RFCs repeated this use. Cerf and Khan credit Louis Pouzin with important influences on TCP/IP design. Commercial PTT providers were concerned with developing X. 25 public data networks. How […]

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