What is James Madison known for?

What is James Madison known for? James Madison, America’s fourth President (1809-1817), made a major contribution to the ratification of the Constitution by writing The Federalist Papers, along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. In later years, he was referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.” Was James Madison a great President? He retired […]

What are some medicinal plants in Canada?

What are some medicinal plants in Canada? In Canada medicinal plants have a long history of use with literally hundreds of species being used by First Nations Canadians in traditional medicine. North American ginseng is Canada’s most important medicinal crop, while other major crops include Echinacea, ginkgo biloba, liquorice, and St. John’s Wort. What are […]

How big is a 14hh horse?

How big is a 14hh horse? Equine Size-Chart DESCRIPTION HANDS INCHES PONY 13 H 52-54 inches 13.2 H 54-56 inches HORSE 14 H 56-58 inches 14.2 H 58-60 inches What weight can a 14hh cob carry? In cob classes at shows they expect a 14hh to 15hh cob with 8+inches of bone to be able […]

What do children do after school in France?

What do children do after school in France? Or, to the contrary, relaxing activities like swimming, pottery or sculpture. Dreamers are often creative children who enjoy theatre, dance or even the circus, an art that is very popular in France and very well done. What activities do French kids do? Fun activities for children in […]

Why did Mary break up with Freddie?

Why did Mary break up with Freddie? However, Freddie could not ignore his attraction to men and started having affairs. He is said to have told her that he was bisexual in 1976. They soon broke up and she soon moved into a nearby flat, and Freddie started hosting wild parties. However, Mary remained close, […]

When was gas under 2.00 a gallon?

When was gas under 2.00 a gallon? Now, the national average has dropped below $2 per gallon, which is something the US hasn’t seen since 2016. The last time we saw a sustained period of gas below $2 per gallon was all the way back in 2004. When did gas prices go over 2 dollars? […]

Does Carnival go to Dominican Republic?

Does Carnival go to Dominican Republic? Cruise to Santo Domingo | Dominican Republic | Carnival Cruise Line. What is MAS domnik? Mas Domnik is Dominica’s Carnival,known as the ‘Real Mas’ because it holds true to Carnival traditions of the past. Held at the traditional pre-Lenten time, is a feast of calypso music, Carnival competitions and […]

What should I mix with Jack Daniels Honey?

What should I mix with Jack Daniels Honey? Honey Limeade 1 oz. Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey. 2 oz. lime Juice. Splash of Water. Garnish with a Lime Wedge. Is Jack Daniels Honey good with Coke? It adds an effervescent sweetness to your beverage, along with some darker flavors like molasses. To get a Jack and […]

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