A life of pig, a book of Jocelyne Porcher and Christine Tribondeau (The Discovery, 2008) A life of pig is a small book of a hundred pages, co-written by Jocelyne Porcher and Christine Tribondeau, which is part of a research project on the work in animal husbandry and sustainable agriculture (INRA-SAD/CNAM-LPTA) directed by Jocelyne Porcher. […]
The nights of the handrail
The nights of the handrail. The scriptures at work, a book by Jean-François Laé (Stock, et al. “An order of ideas “, 2008, 20€) The handrail is an object of sociological rebel, unexpected. Especially for its authors. If we had to find for this academic year, an instructional example, to explain to students, how an […]
Diet popular and social reform. The consumption of workers in the latter Nineteenth century
Power popular and social reform. The consumption of workers in the latter Nineteenth century, a book by Anne Lhuissier (Quae editions/MSH, November 2007, 284 p., 26 €) The work of Anne Lhuissier aims to restore the coherence of family practices power of working-class families, escaping to a reading pessimistic consumption popular in the Nineteenth century, […]
accommodation of the immigrants. The Sonacotra 1956-2006
You can stay immigrants. The Sonacotra 1956-2006, a work by Marc Bernardot (Editions du Croquant, coll. “Terra “, 2008) In the years 50, the conjunction of several phenomena creates a situation of concentration of the labor migrant from Algeria for a large part, in and around the city of metropolis. The housing conditions of the […]
The vulnerability of women in the public space
Gender, violence and public spaces. The vulnerability of women in question A work of Marylène Lieber (Presses de Sciences Po, 2008) “In the street, if you are isolated, take a walk, always with an energetic and assured. Do not give the impression of being afraid. “The ministry of the interior, Your safety. Advice to women […]
The cut-off. The excision or the identities of painful
The cut-off. The excision or identities, painful, work of Christine Bellas Cabane (La Dispute, 2008) The debate around female circumcision raises passions. Between those who adopt a neutral position in the name of respect for cultural differences and those who see the parents of the girls, circumcised as barbarians, Christine Bellas Cabane is in this […]
Individuals and powers in the face of the sects
Individuals and authority in the face of the cults, a book of Nathalie Luca (Armand Colin, collection ” Societal “, September 2008, 280 pages, 25€) This book on the sects, which continues the work carried out by Nathalie Luca in several of his books1, offers a new perspective on the phenomenon of sects. It is […]
A literary society. Sociology a writing workshop
A literary society. Sociology a writing workshop, a book by Frédéric Chateigner (Editions du Croquant, September 2008, 22€, 222 pages) The present book is a monograph, a writing workshop for adults of a large provincial town. The survey was conducted by participant observation in the open, on the basis of two evenings per week, between […]
Introduction to sociology
Introduction à la sociologie, Michel de Coster, Bernadette Bawin-Legros, Marc Poncelet, De Boeck, 6th edition, 2006 (2008), 267 pages The book Introduction to the sociology of Michel de Coster, Bernadette Bawin-Legros, and Marc Poncelet intended for undergraduate students in the social sciences or to students of other disciplines and the public at large curious of […]
The frivolity essential
Monneyron, Frédéric, tatting essential. Clothing and fashion, Puf, Quadridge, 2001 (1st edition), 2008 The garment is the subject of a discharge, symptomatic : while it differentiates it from the more obviously man of the animal, distinguished men among themselves, or identifies an era, it has been little studied. Object considered to be futile, superficial, its […]