When the digital book mimics the paper book

A. The editions Areas will allow readers to wade through, read, flip through their books in digital version. B. My laptop is a small EeePc very functional and lightweight, perfect for the use that is mine, does not, however, speaker quality. The sound is almost always muted on my computer. C. What was my surprise […]

The adoption in France

Some stylized facts on adoption in France, from the article by Catherine Villeneuve-Gokalp, ” adoption in France…by the numbers, and according to the country of origin “, Information sociales, n° 146 2008/2 The number of adoption per year was 4,400 in 1990 and 5,000 in 2003, it has remained stable since. This increase is due […]

The deviance of the collector

Dominique Pety, ” The character of the collector in the Nineteenth century : from the eccentric to the amateur distinguished “, Romance, 2001, n° 112, pp. 71-81 In this article, the character of the collector is analyzed from 1840 to the end of the century from a wide range of texts, literary and non-literary. Dominique […]

The taste for fat ?

Jean-Louis Flandrin. The taste and the need : on the use of fats in the kitchens of western Europe (Fourteenth-Eighteenth century), Annals, 1983, n° 2, pp. 369-401. That is what the taste, or the need based culinary traditions, mutations ? English and French appear in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, a profound distaste for the […]

A good introduction to the sociology of Durkheim

At the time in Lyon, the course will resume at the faculty, I prepare my courses for License 1 for the half-year that comes. I discovered Understand Durkheim , Jacques Coenen-Huther, editions Armand Colin, released last July. Clear, accessible, without being simplistic, it is a good entry point, may be more digestible than the Benchmarks […]

A small book beneficial

I just discovered a little book salutataire, destination of the young and the less young. Written by François Daniellou and published by éditions OctaresThe spelling is not soluble in higher education ! Memory aid of the benevolent, for the use of students is a valuable guide to spelling, who knows how to remind you of […]

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