When the digital book mimics the paper book

A. The editions Areas will allow readers to wade through, read, flip through their books in digital version.

B. My laptop is a small EeePc very functional and lightweight, perfect for the use that is mine, does not, however, speaker quality. The sound is almost always muted on my computer.

C. What was my surprise on this day, opening (sic) Letters of non-motivation the book of Julien Prévieux, that I found on the Areas (cf A.) and hear about the traveling, the sound of pages turning (point B.).

Conclusion : I’ve done today the sound experience of the digital book ! Perhaps the sound of pages flipping was a little metallic, or too digital… In any case, I enjoyed and wanted to share (hence this post being ” frivolous “) experience, worthy of those offered by the reports of the radio Arteradio.com, the editors of Socio-Voce are fans ingrown.

Sound experience of the book, which completes my first experiences of the digital book. I discovered the digital book of the year for the preparation of the aggregation : how to access a book on a Sunday evening at 22h, when it is not in his university library1 or when one cannot wait until the next day ? The solution found was, with my blue card to buy the book in pdf version for reading without the wait !

In effect, after the payment, the player receives an email allowing him to download his book in pdf format.2 If one moves on the open discussions about the comfort of reading on screen, I refer you to this now classic and excellent article by Marin Dacos, on the immateriality of the playback, the digital book does not offer (yet ?) the smell, the touch and feel of a “real book” format, this format is practice for a student in a lambda. It allows you to take notes directly in its word processing software, search by key word. If one adds to this the time saved not looking on the shelves of his library or favorite bookstore, it offers a time-saving non-negligible.

I refer readers interested in the future of the book (paper, digital…) to the excellent course of Eric Verdeil, a blogger on the Rumor, available on Slideshare, during which I benefited in the framework of my doctoral training. A perspective far broader than that discussed here, however, you can find elements of reflection on the future of the book.

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