The Hmong at the plant

Jean-Pierre Hassoun, ” The Hmong at the plant “, French Review of sociology, 1988, Vol 29, pp. 35-53 What are the consequences of migration ? J-P Hassoun examines this phenomenon through the prism of the professional integration offered by the host society to the migrant Hmong. The article focuses on the discovery of the industrial […]

the conference of The Pinçon-Charlot is on-line

The conference from Thursday the 25th of November last, “The wealth of the unexpected” by Monique Pinçon-Charlot and Michel Pinçon is online on ITS-ENS. It is here I would like to take this post to remind you that the next conference of the cycle “The course of the work of the social sciences” will take […]

Practice of culinary hybrids, portraits in the kitchen

Mix : portraits of the kitchen. A book, published under the direction of Isabella Blaze, photographs of Michel Gary (Editions Aaccess, Érès, 2010) This is a book a little special, which consists of revenue multicultural, photographic portraits, information dietary and nutritional images of meals shared. It presents different ways of cooking, at home, in the […]

films in free access : bandwidth

The Bandwidth. International network of thoughts, critical, of alternative practices and contemporary creations offers to look online for all of his documentary films. The program, among other things, Luc Boltanski, Gérard Noiriel, Françoise Héritier, Eric Fassin,… Good movies !

meat consumption and the distinction

Looking documents on the power supply for a TD that I can give to the faculty of Lyon II, I stumbled on a short article (3 pages) Arnaud Frauenfelder entitled “Consumption of meat, distinctions and social rules and regulations” published in the journal Logbook-social sciences and humanities in 2008. The number of the journal is […]

The events of the investigation

The relationship of inquiry. The sociology of the challenge of the players low, a book, published under the direction of Jean-Paul Payet, Corinne Rostaing, Frédérique Giuliani (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Coll ” Didact Sociology “, 2010) In 2008 was published by the Presses universitaires de Rennes the book voice actors, low which we had proposed […]

Specific sociology

Specific to sociology, a book by Philippe Riutort (PUF, coll. “Major “, 2010) The Specific sociology of Philippe Riutort, here is the second edition (the first dates from 2004), belongs to the class of textbooks ” encyclopedic “. Not a simple memory aid, but a true support of the course which makes the happiness of […]

The relation to the money of the individuals : resources

On its website, Georges Gloukoviezoff, phd in economics, offers the download its articles regarding the financial inclusion of individuals, but also its thesis, the texts of the conference presentations… Numerous resources all in free access ! It comes, moreover, to publish a book : The exclusion of banking. The social link to the test of […]

gender bias in advertising

The Observatory on the Societal Responsibility of Companies was produced in June last a report on the place of fathers in advertising. Once is not custom, therefore, it is the place of men that is analyzed. The sociologist Eric Macé has participated in the survey. It appears that the representation of fathers in advertisements it […]

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