the conference of The Pinçon-Charlot is on-line

The conference from Thursday the 25th of November last, “The wealth of the unexpected” by Monique Pinçon-Charlot and Michel Pinçon is online on ITS-ENS. It is here

La conférence des Pinçon-Charlot est en ligneI would like to take this post to remind you that the next conference of the cycle “The course of the work of the social sciences” will take place Thursday 27th January at the ENS de Lyon (site Descartes), from 18h to 20h (room F08). It will bring together Christian and Olga Baudelot, who come to talk to us about organ donation, from the experience narrated in the book, A walk in the park. The conference is titled ” Rein, Love and Society “

A kidney transplant with living donor is a surgical point of view a simple operation. For the two protagonists, donor and recipient, it is an adventure that exceeds their own people. Olga and Christian Baudelot have both lived and told in a book (A walk in the park, Stock, 2008). Why and for whom to write such a book ? How have they developed ? How, and why researchers (she is a psychologist, he is a sociologist) believe they need to spend ” it “objectivity” I “, or even ” we ” ? Why call in question the official designation of “organ donation” to name this operation ? And how, by the irony of their history, are they now, engaged with others, in a political struggle on the occasion of the revision of the law of bio-ethics, risk, over-cautiousness and conservatism in French, helping narrowing the field of potential beneficiaries of the transplant which they have benefited ? The class struggle also involves the kidney.

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