delirium of capitalism. Jesus Ibáñez

From the perspective of a dialectic of liberation, the texts of Jesús Ibáñez, and the whole of his densísima and creative work are an effort to always seek a utopian place beyond the alienation of a society locked, from where to be able to understand critically and begin to transform the order of dominance is […]

The disenchantment of Europe

Source: RTVE. By Cristina Olea .   See documentary On the Cover. “The disenchantment of Europe” . We are accustomed to speak of the crisis. To look to the future with concern. To see how the european leaders are trying to summit after summit, to overcome the situation. Germany and France are leading a new […]

The stranger. Sociology of the stranger

The alien is not a person but a “social form”, this is, this is a link to the specific relationship, a particular way of being with others. Therefore, people are not foreign in themselves but to someone or some that well defined. Three glances sociological to the estrangement of the world The experience of all […]

The future of the population

On the 30th of January the Director of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia, Don Ignacio Pozuelo Meño, and the Rector of the University of Seville, don Joaquín Luque Rodríguez, presented the magazine Information Statistics and Mapping of Andalusia, whose first issue is devoted to the future of the population. In it have […]

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