The paradoxes of diversion

The book Outsiders, Howard Becker, inaugurated in the 60s, a new current sociological, the study of various forms of departure from the social norms, it is not always associated with the crime. Source: Z Magazine Culture | By Marcelo Pisarro.   Question: What about Mozart? Answer: What about Mozart? Question: What happens with the murder? […]

The critical theories of Walter Benjamin

It happens with the authors newly incorporated into the canon that are published each year on them hundreds of articles of essay and research, reviews, monographs, collective books, etc, Walter Benjamin is not only an exception to the rule, but that it embodies perfectly this condition of “new rich” of the philosophical culture of contemporary. […]

neighborhoods vitorianas. Egin Ayllu (Community)

Recently he has published “The Neighborhoods Vitorianas” of the Collective Egin Ayllu, a book that encourages us to “get down to work in the exciting task of autoorganizarnos, for the present and the future of our neighborhoods to decide their own neighborhoods.” For more than six centuries, the people living Vitoria, in a context in […]

theory contemporary social

A manual that helps to set the agenda of sociologists, anthropologists and many other social scientists. This manual -the new revised and updated edition of “The social theory in the TWENTIETH century”- explained the figures and schools of thought most significant and placed in the context of historical traditions. While maintaining a high level of […]

universality, a reference for the construction of social

The education has to investigate this concept, as the field of education and teaching exceptional The universality is a challenge that transcends the education promoted by the education systems, and the emergence of a new mentality universal has to be considered the epicenter of formation of new concepts, to change the exterior and interior. Because […]

non-sexist Language

By Gemma Towers1 . The UNED has recently published a “Guide to non-sexist language” in which it makes a number of recommendations to mitigate the sexism in the language. And yes, I say mitigate because neutralize of time is difficult, not to say impossible. But there are things that can be done and it would […]

List of phrases latino

Latin was the language of cultural expression and scientific in Europe until the EIGHTEENTH century. In our days, the main legacy of the Latin is expressed through locutions Latin has survived in the language of legal, philosophical, technical, religious, medical and scientific. The phrases latino expressions in Latin that are used in Spanish with a […]

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