In the Third of yesterday Sunday, April 8, Axel Buchheiser argues that, in relation to the crisis of Aysén, but in general the situation in the country, one might well think, one of the central themes is: ‘Is that has been left to spread the culture, which is foreign to the ideas of the centre-right, […]
A note on the concept of modernity
(It prevents the reader that this is rather long) Modernity is always one of the concepts of critical sociology. You can argue that the birth of the discipline is concerned with trying to explain the social changes that we have come to call modernity, and that sociology as a discipline is the social science that […]
Moral individual and moral social, virtue ethics and ethics of consent
The nice thing about making distinctions that one does as it wants. It is possible to distinguish between two types of moral: on the one hand, we can establish the moral individual, where what is essential to establish what is good or bad, commendable or reprehensible aspect of an action has to do with internal […]
On the idea of the Nation as imagined community
The representation of the social reality at the polls, or about the real opinion of the people
It all started in Chilesoc. Jose Manuel Ferreiro sending an email to the list noting that over The Counter had published a column Sabrobsky to the purpose of the surveys-the column in this link-, and that ‘on the other hand, I think that all those who, directly or indirectly, we have worked with surveys (such […]
An idea about the Capitalism of the Information
Before I forget, and it is not that very good or certainly very original (I have to look to who already happened), but it may be useful to develop it later. The contradiction between the rationality of knowledge-that requires advertising and free access to information – and the instrumental rationality -which requires property to be […]
The Elite and the Construction of Social Order in Chile
Among the countless myths that we tell ourselves about ourselves, one quite common is the idea that Chile has been a country of strong institutions, in particular in relation to other countries of Latin America. But if one examines the evidence not found with a stability very high. During the time of the decades, the […]
Burawoy on social movements and the anti-commodification.
Yesterday 23rd of July I went to a conference in the Faculty of Social Sciences, U. of Chile, in which Michael Burawoy spoke about ‘Facing an Unequal World’. Very interesting. So we now proceed to summarize what I found relevant to the conference and to make a few comments. The fundamental idea is that in […]
The End of Certainty
A feature that attracts attention when one reads almost any text of traditional philosophy -say, until before the TWENTIETH century – is the centrality of the pursuit of a certain knowledge, or indeed the conflación of the idea of knowledge with certain knowledge and reliable. What has no solid base, non-negotiable, it’s not worth much […]
fear atavistic of the elite in Chile
Some months ago I commented in any entry of the social order in Chile is really fragile (link here): the elite does not know how to operate in a society mobilized and that their reaction to this is usually violence. Reading yesterday’s ‘Santiago de Chile. History of an urban society’ Armando Ramon (Catalonia 2007) I […]