How can I expand my writing?

How can I expand my writing? Here are 16 ways you can start improving your writing skills right now.Brush Up on the Basics. Write Like It’s Your Job. Read Like It’s Your Job. Find a Writing Partner. Join a Workshop or Take a Night Class. Dissect Writing That You Admire. Imitate Writers You Admire. Remember […]

How do I use etcetera?

How do I use etcetera? Use. Et cetera and its more common abbreviation, etc. , are used to show that a list of at least two items is incomplete. The list may include either things or people: Karen tries not to eat chips, chocolate, et cetera, even though she loves junk food. Is ETC formal? […]

Why do criminals commit crimes psychology?

Why do criminals commit crimes psychology? Psychological Theories A key psychological theory is behavioral theory, which postulates committing a crime is a learned response to situations. Studies indicate that personality traits of hostility, narcissism, and impulsivity correlate with criminal and delinquent behavior. What causes criminal behavior? Some intoxicants, such as alcohol, lower our inhibitions, while […]

What is meant by limitations in a research study?

What is meant by limitations in a research study? Definition. The limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research. What are limitations of questionnaires? LimitationsTime-consuming to collect the data. It takes longer for the respondent to complete open questions. Time-consuming […]

What tone should be used in a research paper?

What tone should be used in a research paper? The audience and intentions of a research paper decide the tone. If your essay is going to be printed in a scholarly or didactic publication or reviewed by a college professor, a formal and succinct tone is best. Writing for a more leisurely and laid back […]

What is the context of your research?

What is the context of your research? You have to define context based on your research objectives, because it can mean different things such as a particular team or group, an organisation, community, society, country, culture…etc. Second, the importance of context is that it gives meaning to your research. Simply, it helps shape your research. […]

How do you write a counterclaim?

How do you write a counterclaim? Step 1: Write a counterclaim. Write a sentence that contradicts the claim. Step 2: Explain the counterclaim. The more real you make the opposing position, the more right you will seem when you disprove it. Step 3: Rebut the counterclaim. What is a counterargument paragraph? A counterargument involves acknowledging […]

What are the types of literature sources?

What are the types of literature sources? Types of LiteraturePrimary Literature. Primary sources means original studies, based on direct observation, use of statistical records, interviews, or experimental methods, of actual practices or the actual impact of practices or policies. Secondary Literature. Tertiary Literature. What are the examples of literary sources? Sources incorporate information like journals, […]

How can I make a topic?

How can I make a topic? Selecting a Topicbrainstorm for ideas.choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature.ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available.make a list of key flexible.define your topic as a focused research question.research and read more about your topic. How do you […]

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