What makes a good conductor?

What makes a good conductor? In a conductor, the outer electrons of the atom are loosely bound and can freely move through the material when an electric charge is applied. In general, the best electrical conductors are metals. Metals tend to have electrons in the outer layer of their atoms that are freely shared. How […]

What is ceramic backing in welding?

What is ceramic backing in welding? Ceramic backing strips can be used with every weldable material to reduce oxidation and prevent hydrogen inclusion, by providing a heat-reflecting, weld-supporting surface against which to deposit the welding consumable. Gas release gaps reduce porosity by preventing gas-entrapment. Why backing strip is used in welding? A backing (strip) is […]

What is the process of producing polymer?

What is the process of producing polymer? The conversion of raw polymers into finished products involves a series of polymer manufacturing processes….Polymer manufacturing processes. 1. MIXING (compounding) Powder, melt, dispersion, solution 2.2 3-D FORMING Thermoforming Moulding: compression, transfer, Injection, blow; rotational 3. FINISHING Machining, decoration, assembly What are thermoplastics two examples? The following are some […]

What is the example of fusion welding?

What is the example of fusion welding? Examples of fusion welding processes Such processes where heat is applied by means of electric arc are termed as arc welding process. Similarly, all gas welding processes, resistant welding processes, and intense energy welding processes are basically examples of fusion welding. What is advanced welding? Course Description: Advanced […]

How do you derive the deflection of a beam?

How do you derive the deflection of a beam? Assuming that the deflection of the beam is sufficiently small, we can neglect the first derivative y′. Then the differential equation of the elastic line can be written as follows: y′′=M(x)EIord2ydx2=M(x)EI. The bending moment M(x) can be expressed in terms of the known external load q(x) […]

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