Which type of line is necessary at the ends of arrowheads on a dimension line?

Which type of line is necessary at the ends of arrowheads on a dimension line?

Section lines

Which type of line is used for Dimension line?

Dimension lines are drawn using continuous thin (narrow) lines (straight or curved). The given type of line in question is used to represent cutting planes. Explanation: The other lines are continuous thin (narrow) (straight or curved) which areused for grid, dimension. Dashed thin (narrow) is used for hidden outlines.

What does a hidden line look like?

A hidden line, also known as a hidden object line is a medium weight line, made of short dashes about 1/8” long with 1/16”gaps, to show edges, surfaces and corners which cannot be seen. Sometimes they are used to make a drawing easier to understand. Often they are omitted in an isometric view.

Which line on a drawing should be the thickest?

The direction of the cutting line is shown with a line called a cutting plane lineHeavy dashed line that shows a theoretical cut through an object.. This is the thickest line that may appear on a drawing. It is made up of a series of 3/4″ long (19mm) and double lines 1/8″ (3.2mm) long that are about 0.040″ (1mm) thick.

What is the purpose of a center line?

What are Centerlines? Centerlines are one of the most frequently used tools in engineering drawing. Their basic purpose is to show circular/cylindrical features in a drawing, which are found in abundance in mechanical parts. Common examples of such features include bolt holes, pins, discs, etc.

What is the purpose of construction lines object lines quizlet?

The purpose of construction lines is to give you an outline of what you are about to draw. Object lines are used for outlining the shape and giving it its main features.

What are extension lines?

Extension lines continue or extend from the surface of the object and establish the size of the dimension. They do not touch the object lines and extend slightly past the dimension line. Extension lines provide a means of displaying a measurement without placing the dimension on the part.

What is an example of a line extension?

Meaning of Line Extension A product line extension is when an existing brand launches new products in a product category they already offer products within. For example, when a soft drink company offers a new flavor of soda.

What is line extension strategy?

What is a Line Extension? A line extension is a strategy to offer customers more options by changing your existing product lines slightly. Think of this as adding a bit of variety to your current offerings without going too far off base.

Can extension lines cross each other?

Dimension lines and extension lines should not cross, if avoidable. Extension lines may cross each other. When extension lines cross extension lines or visible lines, no break in either should be made.

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