Why do you say I love you to the moon and back? People often use this phrase when speaking to romantic partners as well as close friends and family members. This phrase rests on the distance between the Earth and the Moon, emphasizing that their love is even greater than this outsized distance. Loving someone […]
What is difference between IR and UV?
What is difference between IR and UV? IR and UV radiation are a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible light has a wavelength of 380 nm to 760 nm. The area alongside with a longer wavelength is the IR spectrum. The area next to the visible light, with a shorter wavelength, is the […]
What is the charge on each plate of the capacitor?
What is the charge on each plate of the capacitor? Capacitors do not store charge. Capacitors actually store an imbalance of charge. If one plate of a capacitor has 1 coulomb of charge stored on it, the other plate will have −1 coulomb, making the total charge (added up across both plates) zero. Can there […]
How does nuclear energy benefit the environment?
How does nuclear energy benefit the environment? Nuclear is a zero-emission clean energy source. It generates power through fission, which is the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy. The heat released by fission is used to create steam that spins a turbine to generate electricity without the harmful byproducts emitted by fossil fuels. […]
What is the main drawback of filament lamp?
What is the main drawback of filament lamp? The major disadvantage associated with filament bulbs is its cost. Though the initial costs are less, over the period, the current bills are going to be high since filament bulbs draw large units of power. This is because the filament bulbs spend nearly ninety percent of the […]
Is cutting an apple reversible?
Is cutting an apple reversible? cutting an apple is a physical change and an irreversible because in chemical reaction after reaction new compound is formed with different categories but cutting an apple don’t change it chemically it is only cut into pieces and no new compound is formed. Is alcohol evaporating a chemical change? Evaporation […]
What are the 8 types of joints?
What are the 8 types of joints? Planar, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, and ball-and-socket are all types of synovial joints. Is the wrist a gliding joint? Gliding joints occur between the surfaces of two flat bones that are held together by ligaments. Some of the bones in your wrists and ankles move by gliding against […]
What is non-positional number system give an example?
What is non-positional number system give an example? • The non-positional number system consists of different symbols that are used to represent. numbers. • Roman number system is an example of the non-positional number system. i.e. I=1, V=5, X=10,L=50. What is BCD in binary? Binary Coded Decimal Summary We have seen here that Binary Coded […]
What are two different types of electron microscopes?
What are two different types of electron microscopes? There are two main types of electron microscope – the transmission EM (TEM) and the scanning EM (SEM). The transmission electron microscope is used to view thin specimens (tissue sections, molecules, etc) through which electrons can pass generating a projection image. What is the greatest advantage of […]
Can you have an extra chromosome and be normal?
Can you have an extra chromosome and be normal? Most commonly, some cells end up with one extra or missing chromosome (for a total of 45 or 47 chromosomes per cell), while other cells have the usual 46 chromosomes. Mosaic Turner syndrome is one example of chromosomal mosaicism. How do you know if you have […]