How accurate is Gaia? Even stars near the Galactic Centre, some 30 000 light-years away, will have their distances measured to within an accuracy of 20%. – The Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) consists of more than 400 individuals who will contribute some 2000 person-years of effort to the Gaia data processing exercise. […]
Is Zenith the North Star?
Is Zenith the North Star? Sign up for our free daily newsletter today! We in the Northern Hemisphere are particularly lucky to have Polaris, a moderately-bright star, closely marking the north celestial pole – the point in the starry sky that’s at zenith (directly overhead) at the Earth’s North Pole. What are the 3 celestial […]
What fertilizer makes plants grow faster?
What fertilizer makes plants grow faster? High-nitrogen fertilizers are known for causing huge growth in plants, which is why many types are rich in nitrogen or include it as the main component. Fertilizers high in nitrogen will also restore bright green hues to your foliage. Which fertilizer works best? Best all-purpose fertilizers Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 […]
Why do we not see the other side of the moon?
Is Phosphorus 32 Harmful?
Is Phosphorus 32 Harmful? Phosphorus-32 is an energetic beta emitter which can penetrate up to 0.8 cm into living skin tissue. Therefore, this isotope poses an external (skin) dose hazard to persons as well as a potential internal hazard. What type of radioactive decay does phosphorus-32 go through? Phosphorus-32 is a commonly used radionuclide with […]
Does car battery charge while in park?
Does car battery charge while in park? Yes, the alternator does charge the battery while the car is idling – regardless of the load on the battery. However, if your electrical use load (radio, lights, fan, etc) exceeds the amount of charge the battery is receiving from the alternator, you will end up with a […]
What happens when zinc reacts with HCl?
What happens when zinc reacts with HCl? When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Is Zn and HCl a chemical reaction? When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, the reaction bubbles vigorously as hydrogen gas is produced. The production of a gas is also an indication that a chemical reaction […]
Which sublevel is the lowest in energy?
What happens when a phrase or sentence is placed inside quotation marks when doing research Brainly?
What happens when a phrase or sentence is placed inside quotation marks when doing research Brainly? Answer. The primary function of quotation marks is to set off and represent exact language (either spoken or written) that has come from somebody else. Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted material is a […]
What are the limitations of Einstein theory of specific heat?
What are the limitations of Einstein theory of specific heat? The correct statement is that Einstein’s law fails to account for the low temperature behavior of specific heat of solids, even qualitatively, but at high temperature it goes to the Dulong and Petit law limit, which is an accurate description of the specific heat of […]