Do scientists speculate?

Do scientists speculate? Speculation is so easy and tempting in settings where it leads more to errors than to accurate information, that most often speculation in science is discouraged. But there is still a limited, useful, role for speculation in science. What does Aristotle say about science? The third and final division of science for […]

Is Phosphorus 32 Harmful?

Is Phosphorus 32 Harmful? Phosphorus-32 is an energetic beta emitter which can penetrate up to 0.8 cm into living skin tissue. Therefore, this isotope poses an external (skin) dose hazard to persons as well as a potential internal hazard. What type of radioactive decay does phosphorus-32 go through? Phosphorus-32 is a commonly used radionuclide with […]

Does car battery charge while in park?

Does car battery charge while in park? Yes, the alternator does charge the battery while the car is idling – regardless of the load on the battery. However, if your electrical use load (radio, lights, fan, etc) exceeds the amount of charge the battery is receiving from the alternator, you will end up with a […]

What happens when zinc reacts with HCl?

What happens when zinc reacts with HCl? When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Is Zn and HCl a chemical reaction? When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, the reaction bubbles vigorously as hydrogen gas is produced. The production of a gas is also an indication that a chemical reaction […]

What is topic sentence in English?

What is topic sentence in English? In expository writing, a topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. Also known as a focus sentence, it encapsulates or organizes an entire paragraph. What are the types of topic sentence? Type of Topic […]

Is Zenith the North Star?

Is Zenith the North Star? Sign up for our free daily newsletter today! We in the Northern Hemisphere are particularly lucky to have Polaris, a moderately-bright star, closely marking the north celestial pole – the point in the starry sky that’s at zenith (directly overhead) at the Earth’s North Pole. What are the 3 celestial […]

What is broaching in machining?

What is broaching in machining? Broaching is a machining process using a cutting tool with teeth that increase in size from front to back. In many cases, an entire surface (or multiple surfaces) can be finished in a single pass with broaching. The technique is most often applied to finish holes, splines and flat surfaces. […]

Is Bacteria living or nonliving?

Is Bacteria living or nonliving? Bacteria (singular: bacterium) are a major group of living organisms. Most are microscopic and unicellular, with a relatively simple cell structure lacking a cell nucleus, and organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Bacteria are the most abundant of all organisms. Do antibiotics weaken immune system? Will antibiotics weaken my immune […]

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