What constellations are visible in both hemispheres? Constellations such as Orion may be seen in both hemispheres, depending on your distance from the equator and the time of year. If you can’t see the entire constellation, it’s likely too close to the horizon line and are too far north or south for complete viewing. Are […]
What are three non-sampling errors?
What are three non-sampling errors? Non-sampling errors include non-response errors, coverage errors, interview errors, and processing errors. A coverage error would occur, for example, if a person were counted twice in a survey, or their answers were duplicated on the survey. What are examples of non-sampling errors? Any error or inaccuracies caused by factors other […]
What is a formula of stress?
How do I catch up with my studies?
What is an example of Kinesthesia?
What is an example of Kinesthesia? Through your sense of kinesthesis, you can tell where different parts of your body are located even if your eyes are closed or you are standing in a dark room. For example, when you are riding a bicycle, receptors in your arms and legs send information to the brain […]
Does a real diamond sparkle blue?
Does a real diamond sparkle blue? A fake diamond will have rainbow colors that you can see inside the diamond. “People have a misconception that diamonds sparkle like a rainbow, but they don’t,” Hirsch said. “They do sparkle, but it’s more of a gray color. What color do real diamonds shine? The way that diamonds […]
How do you calculate area with pressure and force?
How do you calculate area with pressure and force? Pressure and force are related, and so you can calculate one if you know the other by using the physics equation, P = F/A. Because pressure is force divided by area, its meter-kilogram-second (MKS) units are newtons per square meter, or N/m2. How is area related […]
Why is space important?
Why is space important? Space also provides earth with valuable metals, rare objects and precious materials that can be used for medical research. Space is playing a valuable role in saving lives. If NASA stopped exploring our universe, we would not know important facts about space and our solar system. What is a fact about […]