The Library can seem like an overwhelmingly large, complicated collection of books, journals and online resources (and occasionally, dogs), especially in Term 1 when the building is full of new people. Perhaps that’s why so many people ask questions about how many visitors or books the Library has… At the Library, we try to keep […]
Lone studier? Find out how to revise effectively in a group
This blog post will help you with practical techniques you and your friends can use to help you stay focused and revise as a group… Term 3: when your laptop becomes a natural extension of your body; when time appears to be constantly against you; and you spend more time reading lecture notes than you […]
11 inspiring quotes from remarkable women to help with your study
Today is International Women’s Day so we’ve gathered together 11 inspiring quotes, all from extraordinary women to help you with your study (and life in general)… Where would we be without the insight and advice of others? Take note of this advice from some remarkable and experienced women: 1. “Make the most of yourself by […]
Let’s do coffee: How to enjoy that cup of joe without the jitters
It’s International Coffee Day! Coffee is a favourite beverage of students scrabbling to make that urgent deadline, but could it be doing more harm than good?… Coffee and I have had a rocky relationship, and I know I’m not the only one. Going into my ninth year of university with yet another PhD deadline on the […]
So many essays, so little time: Mastering your written exam
It’s safe to say that we’ve all been faced with the terrifyingly threatening exam paper that just looks unmanageable. It is more than normal to feel pressured when staring at an exam paper for the first time, knowing that the time is ticking, and that this exam counts…By Lillie Almond. Take a look through these […]
5 Amazing Facts on How to Rewrite an Article
What information is contained on a label?
What information is contained on a label? Usually a label has to convey the following: name of the product, the manufacturer’s name and address, net weight, serving size, list of ingredients and nutrition information per serving. What is required on a GHS label? The GHS-inspired standards will require chemical manufacturers and importers to label chemical […]
What happens to a player if they are guilty of game misconduct?
What happens to a player if they are guilty of game misconduct? A “GAME MISCONDUCT” penalty involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game but a substitute is permitted to replace immediately the player so removed. What is the difference between a game misconduct and a match penalty? In the NHL, […]
How do you get StarMaker VIP for free?
How do you get StarMaker VIP for free? Only unopened VIP users can receive rewards. A user can only get one reward. After becoming VIP through your friend’s invitation and receiving 14-day free VIP, he/she will also get 14-day VIP for free. The free VIP will be automatically added once your paid VIP is expired. […]
Is Fleetwood Mac still together 2020?
Is Fleetwood Mac still together 2020? Fleetwood added that he hadn’t spoken to Buckingham since his heart attack and subsequent open heart surgery back in February 2019. In the good news column, Fleetwood said, “There’s no breaking up of the band.” While they’re taking a break following a long stretch on the road, it won’t […]