Do African American get shingles?

Do African American get shingles?

Shingles is more common in people of non-Hispanic white ancestry than in those of African American ancestry. According to the CDC, herpes zoster is at least 50% less common in Blacks than in whites. One study concluded that elderly Blacks were up to 75% less likely to develop herpes zoster than elderly whites.

How many blacks get shingles?

Interviewers administered a comprehensive health survey to the participants that included questions about lifetime occurrence of shingles. Of the 3206 subjects, 316 (9.9%) had had zoster: 81 (4.5%) of 1754 blacks and 235 (16.1%) of 1452 whites had had shingles (P < . 0001).

Who is predisposed to shingles?

Age and weak immune system increase your risk of getting shingles. Although anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles, your risk of developing shingles increases with age. Most people get shingles in their 50s or later in life.

What does shingles look like on an African American?

On highly pigmented skin, a shingles rash may be red, the same color as the skin, or slightly darker. The scabs may be grey. While the rash often heals within 2–4 weeks, it is important for anyone with shingles symptoms to see a doctor for treatment within 2–3 days.

What can trigger shingles?

Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you’ve had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.

What causes the shingles virus to wake up?

Shingles occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox starts up again in your body. After you get better from chickenpox, the virus “sleeps” (is dormant) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant forever. In others, the virus “wakes up” when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system.

Can stress trigger shingles?

Since stress affects the immune system, many researchers believe that stress could be a trigger for shingles. Researchers in multiple studies have linked chronic, daily stress, and highly stressful life events as risk factors for shingles.

What medications can trigger shingles?

These medications include ibuprofen or acetaminophen or weak opioids, such as codeine or tramadol. Stronger prescription opioid pain medication, such as hydrocodone, is used for the moderate to severe pain shingles can cause.

Can I sleep in the same bed as someone with shingles?

Shingles is a condition caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles itself is not contagious. You can’t spread the condition to another person.

Can I catch shingles from my husband?

It is not possible to catch shingles from another person. However, a person can transmit the virus through the fluid within shingles blisters. A person who has never had chicken pox may develop it, and later shingles, after coming into contact with this fluid.

What is the most painful stage of shingles?

The pain is felt in the area where the rash had been. For some people, PHN is the longest lasting and worst part of shingles. The older you are when you get shingles, the greater your chance of developing PHN. The PHN pain can cause depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and weight loss.

Can you get shingles from bed sheets?

Shingles can be spread when a person comes into contact with fluid contained in the blisters. The virus can be spread by direct contact with the lesions or by touching any dressings, sheets or clothes soiled with discharge from the spots.

Can a dirty house cause shingles?

Though often attributed to an accumulation of dirt, defective shingles, mold, or mildew, the most common culprit is actually a blue-green algae known as Gloeocapsa Magma that is spread by airborne spores.

What foods make shingles worse?

Foods that have been found to exacerbate the shingles virus should be avoided where possible. The worst culprits contain the amino acid arginine that actually stimulate the herpes virus to replicate, such as, nuts, seeds, soy products, oats, coconut, flour (white and whole-wheat), and alas, chocolate.

What is the incubation period for shingles?

The incubation period is 2–3 weeks and is usually 14–16 days.

Can I be around my grandchildren if I have shingles?

Answer: Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. However, the virus that causes shingles (varicella zoster virus), can spread from a person with active shingles to cause chickenpox in someone who has never had chickenpox or received two doses of a chickenpox vaccine.

Can I catch shingles from someone who has it?

People get shingles when the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, reactivates in their bodies after they have already had chickenpox. You cannot get shingles from someone who has shingles.

Can I spread shingles to other parts of my body?

The virus travels in specific nerves, so you will often see shingles occur in a band on one side of the body. This band corresponds to the area where the nerve transmits signals. The shingles rash stays somewhat localized to an area; it does not spread over your whole body.

What are the stages of shingles?

The stages of shingles are tingling pain, followed by a burning feeling and a red rash, then blistering, and finally the blisters will crust over.

Do I need shingles vaccine if I already had shingles?

If you had shingles in the past, you can get Shingrix to help prevent future occurrences of the disease. There is no specific length of time that you need to wait after having shingles before you can receive Shingrix, but generally you should make sure the shingles rash has gone away before getting vaccinated.

How long does it take for acyclovir to start working for shingles?

Acyclovir works best when started within 48 hours of symptom onset. In herpes zoster (shingles) infections, acyclovir shortened the time it took lesions to scab over and decreased the time needed for the rash to heal and become pain-free. Adults older than 50 gained the most benefit from taking acyclovir.

Can you eat eggs when you have shingles?

Patients with shingles infection or lesions should avoid excess arginine (an amino acid) in their diet. Food sources of arginine to avoid include nuts and seeds, beans and lentils, soybeans and tofu, gelatin, canned tuna, chicken, egg, whole grain wheat flour, raw garlic and onion, and chocolate syrup.

How quickly do antivirals work on shingles?

Antiviral treatment should be started as soon as possible, as it is most effective when started within 72 hours after the shingles rash appears. After this time, antiviral medications may still be helpful if new blisters are appearing.

How fast do antivirals work on shingles?

Antiviral drugs are most effective when taken within 3 days of the rash onset, although they may still be prescribed within the first 7 days of the rash appearing.

What happens if you let shingles go untreated?

If left untreated, some complications of shingles can be fatal. Pneumonia, encephalitis, stroke, and bacterial infections can cause your body to go into shock or sepsis.

Does Valtrex stop the spread of shingles?

Valtrex is an antiviral medication that can help stop the shingles virus from replicating. The symptoms of shingles can last anywhere between 3 and 5 weeks. Valtrex doesn’t cure shingles, but it helps to keep the virus from multiplying.

How do you know shingles are healing?

Shingles blisters usually scab over in 7-10 days and disappear completely in two to four weeks. In most healthy people, the blisters leave no scars, and the pain and itching go away after a few weeks or months. But people with weakened immune systems may develop shingles blisters that do not heal in a timely manner.

Is apple cider vinegar good for shingles?

Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy for shingles pain that’s often recommended online. Although ACV has some antiviral properties, there’s no evidence to suggest that it can help relieve the pain or itching associated with the shingles rash.

Is itching a sign of shingles healing?

In 2 to 4 weeks, the blisters and pimples heal. They rarely come back. Pain from shingles lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. You may have tingling or a pins-and-needles feeling, itching, burning, and a deep pain.

Is shingles pain worse at night?

It can be constant or intermittent and may get worse at night or in reaction to heat or cold. The pain can result in fatigue, sleep disturbance, anorexia, depression and, in general, a lowering of quality of life.

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