Do flying foxes eat other fish?

Do flying foxes eat other fish?

Q: Do Flying Foxes eat fish? A: Although Flying Fox fish are aggressive and territorial, they do not eat other fish or large species of shrimp.

Do foxes eat fish?

Foxes are omnivores and eat small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs, mollusks, fruits, berries, vegetables, seeds, fungi and carrion. They will even wade into shallow water for fish and crabs.

Is a Siamese algae eater the same as a flying fox?

The edge of the horizontal black stripe on the Flying Fox is a straight line. The same stripe on the Siamese Algae Eater is, on the other hand, has a kind of zigzag edge. Also, while the Flying Fox has a clean, uniform background color, the Siamese Algae Eater has some other shades and dark outlines on its scales.

Do flying foxes eat hair algae?

When both species are young they both eat most types of algae, including hair algae but as they mature they both get large, and normally lose their interest in algae altogether.

Do flying foxes eat algae?

Mainly algae eaters, flying foxes also eat flakes, wafers and tablets. Vegetables such as spinach, zucchini and lettuce, as well as live planarians, tubifex worms, crustaceans and other aquatic insects, are excellent staples for these omnivores. They do not consume red algae.

Are Siamese algae eater fin nippers?

Registered. Chinese algae eater yes,, can get aggressive . True Siamese algae eater is peaceful herbivore, suggested to place in tank’s with other non aggressive peaceful fish.

Can Siamese algae eaters live with guppies?

There are some peaceful exceptions though, like angelfish. Tetras, danios, and guppies work well because they’re small and not aggressive. You can also use bigger fish like gouramis and barbs because their size doesn’t come with added aggression. Other animals can be added, most of which tend to eat algae too.

How fast do Siamese algae eaters grow?

Physiological Considerations

Maximum Siamese Algae Eater Size 6-inches
Rate of Growth SAEs mature to full-size anywhere between six months and two years, depending on circumstances like water temperature and food supply
Siamese algae eater lifespan 10 years
Temperament Peaceful
Preferred Tank Region Changes with age

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