Do I have to cite every sentence in a research paper?

Do I have to cite every sentence in a research paper?

Each instance of quoted or paraphrased information within a paragraph needs a citation. In order to make it clear that quoted or paraphrased information is not your own work, cite every quotation and every new instance of paraphrased information in your paragraphs.

How do you avoid citing every sentence?

You can alternate this with putting the in-text cite in parentheses at the end of other sentences or the paragraph. Try to make it clear in each following sentence if it is still coming from the same source, using phrases like “According to”, “They also state…”, “That article concludes…”.

How do I write a research paper without plagiarizing?

Follow these four steps to ensure your paper is free from plagiarism:

  1. Keep track of the sources you consult in your research.
  2. Paraphrase or quote from your sources (and add your own ideas).
  3. Credit the original author in an in-text citation and reference list.
  4. Use a plagiarism checker before you submit.

Do you have to cite every sentence?

If you are paraphrasing from one source throughout a paragraph, don’t worry about putting a citation after every sentence. Putting a citation at the end of the paragraph is fine (there should be at least one citation at the end of each paragraph if the material is paraphrased).

How many times do you need to cite the same source in a paragraph?

Including just one citation at the end of a paragraph is not sufficient unless the last sentence is the only information in the paragraph that came from the cited source. Cite sources often and correctly throughout a paragraph in order to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

How do you indicate a direct quote?

Direct Quotation

  1. for a short quotation, use quotation marks ” ” to indicate that these are someone elses words.
  2. for quotations longer than three lines, take a new line and indent the quote to separate it from the main text (in this case you do not require quotation marks)

How do you format a long quote in APA?

Long quotations Place direct quotations that are 40 words or longer in a free-standing block of typewritten lines and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, indented 1/2 inch from the left margin, i.e., in the same place you would begin a new paragraph.

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