do With the social networks they talk less in person?

Everyone has experienced the situation of talking with someone who does not pay attention to you because it is pending of your smartphone or your laptop. This is a practice that is increasingly more common in humans, particularly in young people. In our fourth post, the specialists of the round-table discussion on How to affect social networks in our personal relationships expose this phenomenon and give us your opinion if, because of the Internet platforms are changing the ways that we had until now of relating face-to-face.

Since there are social networks, do we have less of a need to see and talk with people in person?

Victor Domingo, Association of internet Users: Not necessarily, it is more I would dare to say that the Internet in addition to propose new ways of communication does not eliminate the need or the taste of having sex face-to-face between people who have previously been known virtually.

[…] does not eliminate the need or the taste of having sex face-to-face between people […]

Antonio Jesus Molina-Fernandez, proyecto hombre: In reality, what we have are vehicles to hide our fears, insecurities, doubts, social…loss of learning in vivo of the social emotions implies a collision in the evolutionary development and the brain. Can be used for learning, but are not sufficient to grow emotionally, which makes that our social relations are based on avoidance behaviour: we don’t want to feel that burden affective displacentera, we use the computer to avoid those “negative emotions”, helps us to not feel them, we learn to avoid. But those evitaciones social, the substitution of contexts, we are limited from that perspective. Of course, the problem is not the social networks, or the computers, but the use, the context, the motives, the consequences, the lack of personal, family conflict, interpersonal communication…

[…] we don’t want to feel that burden affective displacentera, we use the computer to avoid those “negative emotions” […]

Mertxe Pasamontes, psychologist: it is Not a matter that it is all clear. Some studies suggest that people extrovert, in the networks becomes more outgoing and just interacting in person with more people than previously. But it can also happen that people introverts that contact with others find it difficult, to use that virtual contact as a substitute for a personal relationship. The subject would, as in everything, moderation and balance.

[…] introverts that contact with others find it difficult, to use that virtual contact as a substitute for a personal relationship […]

Javier Rivera, a sociologist: The rise of social Networks has corresponded with many other changes in the social and economic changes that have helped to cause. One of them is the increase of work and time dedicated to communicate with others. The idea of “personal brand” is closely related to the labour promotion in social networks and the Internet in general, involves an investment huge amount of time to consume and produce information: to learn, to write, make contacts, etc, And either because we like to interact, network and learn and to create in the Network, or because what we do by necessity or professional interest, the case is that we spend a lot more time on the Network… and that inevitably takes away time for the face to face relationship. As families stopped to speak at the dinner by the television, now we do many other things because we are connected to the Network.

Who does not know the feeling of entering a time to e-mail, Facebook or Twitter and it has suddenly thrown a time doing who knows what? What we do is read, speak, write, etc. – But we pass the time on things that before would not do. The good thing about the Net is that it is interactive and we can create. So at least, I think that the time we spend has to be productive, we need to learn and enjoy creative and constructive manner. Maybe that is the key, and so it makes sense that mass consumption of information that is occurring in our days. Answer: yes, the new situation I think that makes it more necessary that we strive to have more personal contact and physical.

[…] the new situation I think that makes it more necessary that we strive to have more personal contact and physical […]

Anna Ortiz

August 4, 2012




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