
Do you put appendix before or after references?

Do you put appendix before or after references?

Appendices usually appear after the references (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 230). If you’re not sure what’s expected in your course work, please check with your instructor or thesis handbook for specific instructions.

How do you reference an appendix in Chicago?


  1. It is best to place tables and other supporting data sets or examples at the end of a paper. Number your examples Appendix 1, Appendix 2, and so on.
  2. Insert a footnote as you refer to each appendix item and direct the reader to the proper entry, as in a footnote that reads: See Appendix 1.

Are references included in appendices?

If you have included an appendix with your assignment and have included references within it, just insert the citations in the text of your appendix as normal and include the full references in your reference list.

What comes first references or appendix Harvard?

The appendix comes after the reference list. For more information on Harvard Referencing, please use the Anglia Ruskin Harvard Guide.

Should the appendix be on a separate page?

See below for appendix basics: “An appendix is appropriate for materials that are relatively brief and that are easily presented in print format” (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020, p. “Begin each appendix on a separate page after any references, footnotes, tables, and figures.

How do you link an appendix to a table of contents in Word?

Word: Add a separate list of appendices

  1. Make sure you know the name of the style you use for the appendix headings.
  2. Go to the References tab > Captions group.
  3. Click Insert Table of Figures.
  4. On the Table of Figures dialog box, click Options.
  5. Select the style you use for the appendix headings from the styles list.
  6. Check the Style checkbox.

How do you not show heading 3 in table of contents?

Instead of modifying the properties of the style, I stumbled across a very easy way to do this:

  1. Highlight the text.
  2. Go to ‘References’
  3. Click on the ‘Add Text’ pull-down menu.
  4. Check Do Not Show in Table of Contents.

How do I fix table of contents?

Format the text in your table of contents

  1. Go to References > Table of Contents > Insert Table of Contents.
  2. Select Modify.
  3. In the Styles list, click the level that you want to change and then click Modify.
  4. In the Modify Style pane make your changes.
  5. Select OK to save changes.
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