Does a harpsichord have strings?

Does a harpsichord have strings?

Generally, the harpsichord has two or more sets of strings, each of which produces different tone qualities. One set may sound an octave higher than the others and is called a 4-foot register, whereas a set of strings at normal pitch is called an 8-foot register.

Why do some harpsichords have two keyboards?

The two keyboards, or “manuals”, control different sets of strings. In some designs, the second manual might control strings tuned a fourth (four notes) down from the main keyboard. This allows the harpsichordist to switch to a lower register when required, which frees up the higher registers for a vocal accompaniment.

Are harpsichords loud?

Harpsichords are keyboard instruments that make sound by having the strings plucked with a plectrum. On a piano it is possible to play louder or quieter by playing the keys with more or less force. On a harpsichord the volume (playing louder or softer) cannot be controlled by the way it is played.

How are the strings of a harpsichord plucked?

The plucking mechanism, called a jack, rests on the key and consists of a narrow slip of wood with two slots cut into its top. When the harpsichordist pushes down on a key, the back end rises, lifting the jack and forcing the plectrum past the string, plucking it.

What wood is used for harpsichord?

Wood is the chief material composing a harpsichord. Wood from the American trees basswood and yellow poplar, Northern European linden, and the European tulip poplar are used to make harpsichord cases for most types except German harpsichords.

Why does the piano sound differently from the harpsichord?

Piano – Mechanism Differences. As an expert in making harpsichords, Bartolomeo understood that instrument profoundly. While the piano is a struck, the harpsichord is a plucked string instrument. Both make the sounds when the strings vibrate, but the ways of activating the vibration are different.

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