Does a phrase have a period?

Does a phrase have a period?

We at WhiteSmoke advise to use periods if the items are complete and/or long sentences, and no periods if the items are just short phrases. Whatever you choose, remember to be consistent. If the items are numbered, use periods to separate the numbers from the text.

Do you put period after quote?

In the United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons (dashes as well) go outside: “There was a storm last night,” Paul said.

Do you put question mark after I was wondering?

Bryan Garner writes: Writers sometimes err by putting a question mark after an indirect question, especially one beginning with I wonder. If you are asking a question, then yes. If you are simply telling people what you’re wondering about, then it isn’t a question and it should not have a question mark.

Does a question mark count as a sentence?

Question marks are used in both formal and non-formal writing and in cases where direct and indirect questions are being asked. Placing a question mark at the end of a sentence that is not explicitly asking a question will instantly make it an awkward sentence.

What does the exclamation mark mean in texting?

The name explanation point is often used to convey a sense of excitement on the part of the text receiver upon receiving a text from the texter. The Name Exclamation Point is a good way to signal to someone that you’re excited to talk to them without seeming too over the top in the rest of your text.

What does liking a text mean?

In iMessage (texting app for Apple iPhones and iPads) and some non-default Android texting applications, users have the option of “liking” texts, which will send recipients using Android Messages or Republic Anywhere a separate text message informing them that this action has been taken.

Why does my text say laughed at an image?

You get that message when you are in “group” chats. It happens when iPhone and android people are mixed in the group. iPhone users can tap an image and “like it, laugh, love it, and a couple more things” so when they do… you as an Android user will see the “laughed at an image” message.

How do I get iMessage games on my Android?

Although it is not possible to play iMessage games on Android, developers bring up an alternative way, known as weMessage which is a mixture of closed messaging systems of iMessage over the Android platform is. It allows you to enjoy all the features such as attachments, group chats, sharing visuals, and locations.

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