How can you clear previously viewed Internet sites in Internet Explorer?

How can you clear previously viewed Internet sites in Internet Explorer?

Delete your browsing history

  1. In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button, point to Safety, and then select Delete browsing history.
  2. Choose the types of data or files you want to remove from your PC, and then select Delete.

Does clearing history delete everything?

Even if you clear your history, Google has a record of all of your search activity — here’s how to delete it. Simply deleting your browsing history does not delete all the information Google possesses relating to your search history.

How do I select all browsing history?

You can either visit chrome://history or chrome://history-frame. On the page you can start searching and when all results are listed simply hit CTRL + A to select all visible items.

How do I find old browsing history?

Go to Google’s My Activity page. Login to your Google account associated with your Google Chrome browser. After the login, you can view all your past browsing history on My Google Activity page. You can browse through days and months, check recently visited web pages, etc.

Does your WiFi router record history?

A WiFi owner can see what websites you visit while using WiFi as well as the things that you search on the Internet. When deployed, such a router will track your browsing activities and log your search history so that a WiFi owner could easily check what websites you were visiting on a wireless connection.

Does the WiFi router history reset every month?

Does the WiFi router history reset every month? A regular home router does store some configuration information and does so indefinitely. They store connection history information only long enough to maintain a given connection. Your ISP is in a much better position to be logging such information — and many do!

How do I check my WiFi Router history?

To view the activity logs:

  1. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that is connected to your router’s network.
  2. Click Enter or tap Search.
  3. Enter the router user name and password.
  4. Select ADVANCED > Administration > Logs.
  5. To refresh the log page, click the Refresh button.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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