How did Ashfur die?

How did Ashfur die?

Later, Leafpool reveals she knew that it was Hollyleaf who killed Ashfur, because the tuft of fur had her scent. Hollyleaf later tells Lionblaze and Jayfeather that she killed Ashfur, and then she vanishes into the tunnels, which collapse afterward.

Why did Squirrelflight reject Ashfur?

Ashfur wanted to be a father of his own kits. Squirrelflight denied him though. She said eight moons in the nursery with Daisy and Ferncloud and their kits was enough for her. He sighed and continued with his life.

What book did Bramblestar die in?

In The Silent Thaw, an imposter takes over his body when he dies, forcing Bramblestar to become a ghost.

Who gave Bluestar her 9 lives?


Is Squirrelflight dead?

Squirrelflight takes over Bramblestar’s duties as he falls ill, and when he dies, she is overcome with grief, refusing to take up leadership. When he is revived, she is overjoyed, returning to her position as deputy.

What killed Ravenpaw?

Leafstar rejected Bella and Riley at first, as SkyClan was dealing with kittypets attacking their borders, but Ravenpaw, Barley, and the kits helped SkyClan defeat them. After the battle, Ravenpaw was severely injured and succumbed to the painful lump in his stomach that had been bothering him.

Who did Lionblaze kill?


Is Ravenpaw a boy or girl?

Ravenpaw is a male, previously a ThunderClan apprentice and loner.

Does Ravenpaw love barley?

Vicky has stated that Ravenpaw and Barley loved each other and their life together.

How did Jake die warrior cats?

On her Facebook page, Vicky stated that Jake was killed when he was struck by a meteorite while sitting on a fence.

Is Ravenpaw a scourge?

Viperfrost again, here to talk about Scourge, the cutthroat ruler of Bloodclan, and Ravenpaw, the nervous apprentice of Tigerclaw. Ravenpaw and Scourge both started out as small, nervous cats that were bullied and traumatized into fleeing.

Who killed Cloudtail?

Firestar’s Quest When a badger makes its way onto ThunderClan territory, one of Cloudtail’s Clanmates, Willowpelt, is trampled by it, resulting in her death. Afterward, Cloudtail and Mousefur attempt to chase it away from their territory and the two warriors are successful in doing so.

Are Firestar and Scourge brothers?

Scourge is revealed to be the half-brother of Firestar since they both share the same father in Jake.

Who is the prettiest warrior cat?

Top 10 Prettiest and Most Beautiful Female Warrior Cats

  • Silverstream SIlverstream is a character created by Erin Hunter to the book series named Warrior Cats.
  • Spottedleaf Spottedleaf is a tortoiseshell she-cat in the series “Warrior Cats” by Erin Hunter.

Who does fireheart fall in love with?

As a result, Graystripe and Silverstream fall in love and begin to meet each other in secret, against Fireheart’s warnings. Silverstream is a RiverClan warrior and the daughter of RiverClan’s leader, Crookedstar. After saving Graystripe from drowning in the river, the two fall in love.

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