
How did the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations?

How did the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations?

How did the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations? Egyptian civilization began close to the Nile River because the Nile provided a fertile area in the middle of a desert. Heavy rains caused the Nile to overflow regularly, which made the soil fertile and good for farming.

What made the Egyptians so successful as a civilization?

The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense population, and social development and culture.

How did Mesopotamia influence the culture of the ancient Egyptians?

Answer: Mesopotamia influenced the culture of the ancient Egyptians, especially, their architecture which includes not only pyramids but also other constructions. The concept of writing also influenced the Egyptians.

What was the greatest ancient civilization in Africa’s interior?

World History Test 2

Question Answer
What was China’s longest ruling dynasty Chou
Who built the greatest ancient civilization in Africa’s interior Cush
What did Asoka do built the Maurya empire
What important African trading center became a famous center for learning and culture Timbuktu

Which of the following is the world’s longest lake and the source of the Congo River?

Lake Tanganyika, second largest of the lakes of eastern Africa. It is the longest freshwater lake in the world (410 miles [660 km]) and the second deepest (4,710 feet [1,436 metres]) after Lake Baikal in Russia.

Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal

What is the deepest lake in Africa?

Lake Tanganyika

What is the deadliest body of water?

8 Bodies of Water That Will Kill You

  1. Rio Tinto River, Spain. Probably anyone will think that something’s not right when a river has deep red water.
  2. Boiling Lake, Dominica.
  3. Lake Kivu, Africa.
  4. Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia.
  5. Lake Karachay, Russia.
  6. Potomac River, USA.
  7. The Blue Lagoon, Derbyshire, UK.
  8. Jacob’s Well, Texas, USA.

What Lake has the most fish in the world?

Lake Malawi

What is the longest lake in Africa?

What are the 3 largest lakes in Africa?

These include the 3 largest lakes in Africa – Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi – as well as lakes Turkana, Albert, Edward, Kivu and several others. The lakes are important habitats for a number of fish and amphibian species, abundant birdlife and numerous crocodiles.

Which country has the most lakes in Africa?


What are the two major lakes in Africa?

These are the largest lakes in Africa.

  1. Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the largest freshwater body in Africa and the second largest in the world, smaller only than Lake Superior, which is one of North America’s Great Lakes.
  2. Lake Tanganyika.
  3. Lake Nyassa.
  4. Lake Turkana.
  5. Lake Albert.
  6. Lake Rukwa.
  7. Lake Mweru.
  8. Lake Kivu.

What is the biggest forest in Africa?

Congo Basin

Which is the largest saltwater lake in Africa?

Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa, the largest tropical lake in the world, the second largest freshwater lake in the world, and the third largest lake in the world.

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