How did the humanism influence the growth of learning?

How did the humanism influence the growth of learning?

Humanism influenced the growth of learning by considering how human factors such as personal motivation and positivity impact a student’s ability to learn. Humanists favored teaching in creative ways and giving the students freedom to choose what they wanted to learn.

How did Machiavelli’s The Prince reflect humanist and Renaissance ways of thinking?

How did Machiavelli’s piece The Prince reflect both humanist and Renaissance way of thinking? It emphasized individual accomplishment and yet lacked idealism. Church, wealthy individuals, and the government.

What are the qualities of the ideal Prince According to Machiavelli?

The qualities of the ideal prince according to Machiavelli include ruthlessness when necessary, the ability to inspire respect, military expertise, and a willingness to set virtue aside.

What two factors helped Florence to become a wealthy city?

What factors helped Florence to become a wealthy city? It built walls, hired artists to make art. The city and its rich residents cold afford patrons of talented artists and thinkers. How did Florence’s wealth contribute to its cultural activity?

What part of Brunelleschi’s dome supported the most weight?

Chapter 29

Question Answer
On our dome, what were the parts of our bodies that supported the most weight? Our legs and feet
On Brunelleschi’s dome, which parts supported the most weight? The arches
What were the feet on our dome like? The base
What was the beach ball like? The lantern

How did the Medici spend their wealth?

The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the arts. Patronage is where a wealthy person or family sponsors artists. They would pay artists commissions for major works of art. The Medici patronage had a huge impact on the Renaissance, allowing artists to focus on their work without having to worry about money.

What made Florence thrive financially quizlet?

An increase in prices and changes from the trade centers on the Mediterranean to one center on the Atlantic, made Florence the selected destination. Bankers became extremely rich, the creation of money markets led to the arrival of investments in the arts.

What made Florence thrive financially?

What made Florence thrive financially? Florence thrived financially because: She maintained thriving industry in silk and wood, bought luxury items from the east and sold for large profits, sold insurance to sea traders, created banks to make loans and exchange currency, medici family prompted trade arts and banking.

What made Florence thrive financially during the Renaissance?

Florence was not dominated by royal courts, like other states. Instead, it was a republic with an elected government. This made the city more frugal in taste, which also meant that the behaviour of people in terms of wealth accumulation and saving was more moderate and humble, contributing to the thriving economy.

What made Florence wealthy?

Much of Florence’s wealth was dependent on the manufacture or trade of cloth, primarily wool. Wool of superior quality was often purchased unfinished and untreated from England and Iberia. Florentine textile workers then cleaned, carded, spun, dyed, and wove the wool into cloth of excellent quality.

Who is the richest family in Italy?

Giovanni Ferrero & family

Are there still Medici alive today?

This bank was the largest in Europe during the 15th century, and it facilitated the Medici’s rise to political power in Florence, although they officially remained citizens rather than monarchs until the 16th century….House of Medici.

Cadet branches 14 cadet branches; still alive only 2: show List

Is the Netflix series Medici historically accurate?

While the first series of Medici wasn’t that historically accurate, the second series “Medici: the Magnificent” is much more faithful to the truth of what really happened. The truth is just as dramatic as the fiction. Be warned fans, there are plot spoilers ahead!

What disease does Lorenzo Medici have?

Lorenzo de’ Medici, who was the son of Ferdinand I, suffered of epilepsy (ASF, Mediceo del Principato 908. 365. 2 Aprile 1602). During the Renaissance, many different substances were used to treat the ‘falling sickness’.

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