
How did the world change because of the Spanish exploration?

How did the world change because of the Spanish exploration?

This involved an exchange of plants, goods, ideas, and diseases from Europe to the Americas. This exchange benefitted Europeans more than Native Americans because Europeans spread smallpox , a deadly disease, to Native Americans when they came into contact with them.

What impact did Portuguese and Spanish explorers have on America?

What impact did Portuguese exploration have on the people of the Americas? The Portuguese established colonies in Brazil and tried to convert the native people to Christianity. Native people were forced to work on sugar plantations. Many died from overwork or European diseases.

How did exploration change the world?

The Age of Exploration had a significant impact on geography. By traveling to different regions around the globe, explorers were able to learn more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and bring that knowledge back to Europe. These explorations also introduced a whole new world of flora and fauna to Europeans.

How did the Age of Exploration impact the economy?

Exploration and trade led to the growth of capitalism. This system is based on investing money for profit. Merchants gained great wealth by trading and selling goods from around the world. They then could use their profits to finance other voyages and to start trading companies.

What is the oldest civilization in Europe?

Minoan civilization

Who first discovered Europe?

Norse sagas suggest the Vikings discovered the Americas centuries before Columbus got there in 1492. A Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows, in the eastern Canadian region of Terranova, is thought to date to the 11th century.

What is Africa named after?

One of the most popular suggestions for the origins of the term ‘Africa’ is that it is derived from the Roman name for a tribe living in the northern reaches of Tunisia, believed to possibly be the Berber people. The Romans variously named these people ‘Afri’, ‘Afer’ and ‘Ifir’.

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