How do freak and Max escape the danger?

How do freak and Max escape the danger?

How does Freak and max escape danger? They run into the pond. They run home. They run to the ocean.

How do freak and Max escape danger at the end of the fireworks show?

The fireworks end and Max and Freak are on their way home when Tony D. and his gang show up again. In order to escape, Max puts Freak on his shoulders. Freak becomes Max’s eyes and brain, and Max becomes Freak’s feet.

How does Max get away from the world Freak the Mighty?

He directs Max, who is running with Freak on his shoulders, by kicking him on the right or left. Freak directs Max into the millpond, where they escape but get stuck in the mud.

How is the main conflict resolved in Freak the Mighty?

Both boys face the internal conflict of dealing with their limitations. Kevin has physical limitations because Morquio syndrome has stunted his growth and created health and mobility problems. Max is learning disabled. With Kevin’s help, Max is able to overcome his reading problems.

What is the main conflict Freak the Mighty?

The main conflicts in the story are internal. Both boys are struggling with the inadequacies of their own bodies or minds. In other words, Max has to learn to deal with being “slow” and Kevin has to learn to deal with not having a body that works. The external conflicts are between Max and Kevin and the bullies.

Who is Tony D in Freak the Mighty?

Tony D. is the secondary protagonist and the leader of the Doghouse Boys, a drug dealing gang. He also likes to hurt people, get Max in trouble, rumored to have a knife and have a gun. He was a winger of having tried “trial” more than three times and killed a person who has a razor.

Who is the antagonist in Freak the Mighty?

Kenneth “Kenny” David Kane

What are methods of conflict resolution?

Negotiation, mediation and arbitration – often called ADR or alternative dispute resolution- are the most well-known. Whether you are involved in a family or neighborhood dispute or a lawsuit involving thousands of dollars, these processes should be considered.

What are the 3 alternative methods of resolving disputes?

There are currently three principal methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution, mediation, collaboration, and arbitration.

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