How do fur seals reproduce?
Female fur seals, or cows, give birth during this breeding season, then mate again just a few days later. The following year they will return to give birth to a single pup after a nearly yearlong pregnancy, and mate once again to continue the cycle.
What is a Galapagos fur seal lifespan?
Lifespan/Longevity On average the lifespan of Galapagos fur seals is about 264 months, or 22 years (Ferguson and Higdon, 2006). (
Is the Galapagos fur seal endangered?
Endangered (Population decreasing)
How many Galapagos fur seals are left?
Galapagos fur seals do not migrate. Current population size is estimated at about 10,000-15,000. A former estimate of about 40,000 was based on a survey from 1978, and it is thought that the 1982-83 El NiƱo event significantly reduced the population.
What eats Galapagos seals?
The Galapagos fur seal’s natural predators are killer whales and shark, but are also threatened by feral dogs living on the islands they inhabit. There is little interaction between humans and Galapagos fur seals, but in the early 20th century they were hunted for their fur.
Are there seals or sea lions in the Galapagos?
Galapagos sea lions can be seen everywhere within the Archipelago, whereas fur seals are most likely to be seen by tourists around Isabela and Fernandina islands.
What is a female sea lion called?
What animals eat Galapagos sea lions?
Sharks and killer whales are the main predators of the sea lion, especially little pups are easy targets.
Where are the sea lions in Galapagos?
They can be found on every island in the Galapagos archipelago but they tend to hang out more in certain spots such as Bartolome, Sombrero Chino, Rabida, San Cristobal, Isla Lobos, Gardner Bay, Punta Suarez, Islas Plaza, North Seymour, Punta Vicente Roca, Punta Espinosa and they can be found all year round but perhaps …
Do orcas eat sea lions?
They primarily eat marine mammals including seals, sea lions, walruses, baleen whales, other toothed whales, and occasionally sea otters.